To the survey are so asked non
predefinite synthesis and this let us see
an aspect that can seems to be
contradictory: the deviance from the norm
becomes the rule with which the object
of the analysis can be read. The analysis
is extended in the meanders of the
building and the cognitive analysis is
the point of departure of the
intervention and this must be joined with
the contribution of the other historical,
scientific, physical disciplines...
The panorama becomes bigger also in
function of the technical-scientific
progress that grows up inside each of
these disciplines.
The number of relationships increases
towards the infinite; on the other hand
we can say that much more is the level of
knowledge, much more is the possibility
to reduce in a responsible way the
intervent to a "minimum" absolutely
For this reason a syntesis is need, that
has the difficult task to make possible
the field of intervention using of these
elements and that will never be
The survey becomes the privileged place
of this synthesis (Brumana R., Crippa B.,
Vassena G., 1990). From the traditional
meaning of survey as a group of symbols
and marks, partially already decoded,
during the act of surveing and during the
real representation; from the meaning of
survey as trasposition and translation on
a drawing of the measurements to obtain
the shape and the geometry; we arrive to
a bigger interpretation where the survey
is the location of marks still to be
decoded and where can be added new
contributions cognitive as a big
collecting pot (as a catalogation
following historical, artistic and
geografic attributes).
A second aspect regards the drawing, that
is the representation: the drawing with
lines, even if it comes from different
metodologies of survey, synthetizes only
some aspects. For this reason the
philosophical and ideological systems
that have an univocal and restrictive
interpretation of the modality of
intervention: the relativity between the
points of view is placed at the centre of
our attention. In this way are recognized
all the values, relationships and
interpretations that can result from the
texture of the building. All this
represents the best and inalienable
centre for the comunication, the reading
and the trasmission of that small, but
unreproduceability piece of history
‘tranche de vie’: so every removal is a
loose of informations, of documentation
and of culture.
The revalutation of the material aspect
extend the object of conservation not
only at the emergency period, the
monument in its nineteenth-century
conception, but the notion of good as an
unreproduceability resource.
From these theoric preambles and from
these considerations derive two elements.
On one hand we have the redefinition of
the purposes inherent to the intervention
of conservation that for this reason
involves all the disciplines here
afferent and on the other hand the growth
of the effort of catalogation.
The role of those disciplines which, from
the techical and actuative point of view
intervene in the conservative process
becomes redefined and more clear
(Matteini M., Moles A.,1984): first of
all the importance of the
interdisciplinary character that means to
have a contribution of different
disciplines that help to the knowledge
and to the individuation of the
methodology of working. The centralness
of the object, the consciousness of its
uniqueness make possible that cannot be
accepted rules of interpretation fixed in
advance. The different disciplines care
this aspect, renewing the relationship
with the technics, the instruments and
the metodologies themselves. In this
scenery comes out, in the top, the