Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

mage mn WTR with 
So WTR cameras 
LL acquisition with 
LL based cameras 
C x A 
C Digitization ) 
Digital image data 
C Orientation and calibration ) 
Measurement of image coordinates 
Identification of features 
Semantic classification 
( Determination of object coordinates ) 
C Transfer to CAAD-system > 
Figure 1: Processing steps in digital architectural 
cameras, and other input and output devices are connect- 
ed. It must provide ample storage space for the large 
amount of imagery, a tremendous processing perform- 
ance for semi-automatic and automatic measurement 
techniques, and a high resolution display for visualization 
of imagery, processing steps and results. 
The major software component of DIPS is DEDIP (De- 
velopment Environment for Digital Photogrammetry). 
All tasks, from image acquisition to the three-dimension- 
al geometric and semantic object description, are per- 
formed with this software package, which was developed 
in our group. Major functional modules are: image acqui- 
sition with solid-state cameras, input and output of image 
data, image handling and display, semi-automatic meas- 
urement techniques, radiometric and geometric image 
analysis, bundle adjustment with self-calibration, model 
extension with semantic object information, automatic 
data transfer to CAAD-system. 
The church “Chiesa di Nostra Signora di Fatima” in Gio- 
va (Switzerland) was chosen to demonstrate the function- 
ality and efficiency of DIPAD. Giova is located in the 
southern alps near Bellinzona. The church was designed 
by the architects M. Campi and F. Pessina and built in 
1984-88. It stands in a privileged and dominating posi- 
tion, nearly 800 metres above the valley Mesolcina at the 
edge of a plain. The church is 14 m in length and 10 m in 
width and height. A detailed discussion about the archi- 
tectural design and construction of this church is given by 
Gazzaniga (Gazzaniga, 1989). 
Figure 2: “Chiesa di Nostra Signora di Fatima”. 
The imagery of this project was acquired with a film- 
based camera (Rollei 6006) and a camera using a solid- 
state sensor (Canon CI-10). Additionally, two images 
taken with the Rollei 6006 were digitized to compare the 
results of the digital and the analogue photogrammetric 
system under similar conditions. 
The data acquisition took place during a campaign with 
several imaging systems. Thus the camera arrangement 
was planed for stereophotogrammetric tasks. Further- 
more the arrangement was restricted by the dimensions 
(14x10x10 m°) and the surrounding of the church (see 
«— Camera 
«— Stations 
Figure 3: Object and camera configuration. 

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