Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Error vectors of control points 
4 em 
Fig. 4.6 
In the following testa-strongly curved surface is rectified 
under the use of polynomial interpolation and 
multiquadratic transformation (differential procedure). 
Fig. 4.7 shows where the choosen test areais situated on 
the façade. 74 control points determine the surface. 
Level 6 
Fig. 4.7 Orientation of the test region 
A comparison of the results, for which was applied 
bilinear, quadratic and multiquadratic interpolation, is 
shownin Fig. 4.8. Regarding the course of the horizontal 
Stone joints it can be recognized, that only a differential 
procedure, as the multiquadratic interpolation, is able to 
represent the position of the joints. The two polynomial 
functions do not approximate the surface sufficiently, 
what is followed by distortions. 
Bilinear Quadratic Multiquadratic 
Figure 4.8. Different Interpolations 
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