Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

6.3. CAAD-model 
The result of the photogrammetric processing is a three- 
dimensional geometric and semantic object description, 
which can be passed automatically via LISP-files to the 
CAAD-system. This system is able to preprocess the data 
and store it in data structures adapted to architectural pur- 
poses. The system is capable to find efficiently special 
data in a huge data base. It allows data transformation 
into other representations in an casy way. The task of the 
architect is just the creative finding of new solutions or to 
judge the current solution. The CAAD-system is impor- 
tant for documentation and visualization, and for com- 
plex simulations, manipulations and analysis of the 
object. This could be used in art history, in preservation 
of historical monuments and sites, in regional and local 
planning, as well as in renovations and reconstructions. 
Figure 9 illustrates a parallel perspective view of the pho- 
togrammetric generated CAAD-model of the church. The 
existence of a surface model is demonstrated with the 
shaded representation. 
6.4. Precision of photogrammetric analysis 
The precision of the photogrammetric analysis is as- 
sessed in two ways. First the theoretical precision of ob- 
ject coordinates was determined with a bundle 
adjustment. The results of the adjustment are given in ta- 
ble 1. The coordinate system was defined with X- and Y- 
axis in the plane of cach facade and Z-axis in depth. The 
results indicate for the Canon CI-10 a precision corre- 
sponding to 1/3" of the pixel spacing in image space. The 
theoretical precision of the object point coordinates is 
Figure 9: CAAD-model of church Giova (imagery from Canon CI-10). 
2.1 cm within the plane of each facade and 4.0 cm in 
depth. The Rollei 6006 imagery delivers a theoretical 
precision of the object point coordinates of 1.3 cm within 
the plane of each facade and 1.3 cm in depth. This corre- 
sponds to 3.1 um in image space. Here the analogue sys- 
tem seems to be superior, but this solely due to the much 
higher resolution of the imaging system. The results of 
the digital system are very encouraging when considering 
the low resolution of the still video camera used. 
Table 1: Precision of photogrammetric analysis 
Imaging system rer Ss 
Canon CI-10 100 1.8 1.0 4.0 
Rollei 6006 112 0.9 0.9 1.3 
Digitized images 112 0.8 0.9 1.2 
The main difference between the digital and the analogue 
system is not the precision of photogrammetric process- 
ing, but the architectural details which can be measured. 
This was demonstrated in figure 6 and can also be shown 
in zoomed parts of the resulting CAAD-models. Figure 
10 shows the front facade generated with the analogue 
Rollei images (figure 10.a.) and comparable parts of the 
models generated with digital (figure 10.b.) and analogue 
techniques (figure 10.c.). 
What is to be expected with a digital imaging system pro- 
viding a resolution comparable to analogue film is dem- 
onstrated with the digitized images of the Rollei 6006. 
The theoretical precision of the object point coordinates 
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