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not required for the purpose of deriving the height of
the robber. The error sources inherent with the simple
Linney approach discussed above were indeed present
but their effects were insignificant in comparison to
the scaling error introduced by EPU. Dr Linney's
solution was therefore originally more accurate than
the EPU approach, despite the simplifying assumptions
underlying it. By modifying the functional model used
in the bundle estimation to account for differential
scale between x and y image coordinates, a more
accurate and precise solution could be obtained.
2.8 Revised data processing
Additional programming was required to allow the
General Adjustment Program (GAP) to derive a
differential scale factor between x and y image
coordinates. This was incorporated into the software
by estimating corrections to two focal lengths, one
associated with the x image ordinates, the second with
those in the y image direction. The differential scale
factor was calculated from simply the ratio between
these two estimated focal lengths.
When these data were processed using the new version
of GAP the scale factor was found to be 0.84 which
represents a large difference of scale between the x
and y image coordinates. With the effective removal of
this particular source of systematic error it was found
possible to include data from all four images in one
combined solution, with two sets of inner orientation
parameters associated with the two original cameras.
This increased the geometric strength of the estimation
to the extent that a parameter used to model the lens
distortion of one camera, could be derived with
statistical significance.
2.0 Revised determination of height of robber
The revised three dimensional coordinates of both the
'foot' and 'head' points were again read into an
Intergraph Microstation graphics design file and the
height of robber estimated using the techniques
discussed earlier, (Section 2.5). There was now a
variation of 0.049 metres (1.9") between the four
estimates, considerably lower than the range obtained
before. Statistical analyses of the four estimations gave
a mean of 1.781m and a standard deviation of the
mean of 0.011m. Therefore it was concluded, with
95% confidence, that the top of the robber’s head was
between 1.745m and 1.817m (ie between 5° 8.7" and
5’ 11.5") above the carpeted floor surface.
The difference between the initial and revised solution
was over 0.10m (1.888m - 1.781m) which was of
extreme importance when put into the context of a
person’s height and liberty! What concerned the
Engineering Photogrammetry Unit most was missing
the critical systematic error during analysis of output
from the original self-calibrating bundle adjustments.
The functional model selected originally was
inadequate and examination of the output had not
indicated this error.
Undoubtedly a major factor in this omission was the
poor design of the photogrammetric network, which
was common to all three cases. If EPU had been able
specify the number, position and type of the cameras,
their recording rate and the number and type of control
points the geometric strength of the network would
have been significantly stronger. Not only would this
have produced a precise solution but the resulting large
and perhaps systematic pattern of residuals would have
indicated the presence of undetected systematic errors.
Once the correct functional model had been identified
accurate results would then be obtained. A network
with high internal reliability (Hottier, 1976) can yield
both a precise, and perhaps more importantly, an
accurate estimation.
In these types of analyses the photogrammetry cannot
be designed and is generally, if not always, poor.
Although it is normally possible to obtain a solution
this will be only accurate if the selected functional
model accurately simulates those original ray bundles.
In these circumstances only experience, patient
examination and thorough testing will help the
photogrammetrist from making potentially disastrous
mistakes. Unfortunately the pressure of commercial
contracts leave little time for such analysis!
The application of photogrammetric techniques to
solve this general type of problem was of interest to
the Engineering Photogrammetry Unit and the
concerns indicated in Section 3.0 justified further
examination into the various factors affecting a
4.1 The rigid robber
It was decided to replicate the geometric relationships
between robber, security video camera and photo-
control in a controlled environment. The robber was
replaced by a survey staff located in front of an array
of control targets normally used for camera calibration.
The relationship between the staff and the control field
was determined using a combination of taped distances
and height differences. Black circular targets were
placed over the control points and on the staff at
heights 0.000m, 1.600m and 1.800m. These targets
were of sufficient size to be imaged on the video