Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

A f 
picture 7: sitting and standing position (results of HIFI) 
pilot no.11 
6. Conclusions 7. LITERATURE: 
The investigated parameters of rotation of the Ebner,  H.;  Hofmann-Wellhof,  B.; Rein,  P.; 
upper trunk against the pelvis axis and its va- Steidler, F. 1980: HIFI, A mini-computer programm 
riations between the sitting and standing posi- package for  Hight  Interpolation by Finite 
tion lead to the following conclusions: Elements; IAPRS Congress Hamburg, COM. IV Vol.23/ 
The specific geometry of the sitting posture whi- B4, S. 202-215 
le working in a helicopter leads to a static-mo- 
toric pattern in ordinary life. Hinsken, L. 1989: CAP - ein Programm zur kombi- 
nierten Bündelausgleichung auf Personal-Compu- 
With the help of photogrammetric surface measure- tern, BuLs 57 (3) 5. 92-95 
ment of the human back shape we were enabled to 
provide objective criterions for the clinical AUTOCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk 
diagnosis, contrary to the orthopaedic examina- 
tions which give no specific results. CAEDS is a registered trademark of IBM 
The accuracy of the photogrammetric results al- 
lows derivations of important geometric parame- 
ters (rotation, inclination, transverse  sec- 
tions). In addition graphic representations sup- 
port the clinical judgement and make the analysis 
In future these possibilities should be used more 

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