over the stereo extent of the imagery. The second stage
involves the calibration of the sensor and the production of a
mathematical model of the sensor used to acquire the imagery,
thus allowing conjugate points detected by the stereo-matcher
to be transformed into 3-D [x,y,z] co-ordinates generated by
the camera model onto a regular grid so that the results may be
manipulated easily and comparisons can be made between
different data more easily (figure 2).
left Right
image image
Stereomatcher je
Sensor model
Fig. 2: Flow chart showing DEM production.
Earlier work on the same rig (Deacon et al, 1991) yielded
absolute accuracy to within 0.5 mm (rms). This accuracy is
higher than that required by either orthodontic or orthognathic
surgeons. However, the problem being addressed here is not
that of accuracy but of sampling density of the data. In order to
increase the amount of data, the extent of the imagery
successfully stereomatched needs to be greater. Area based
stereo matching techniques such as the Adaptive Least Squares
Correlation (ALSC) region growing methods (Gruen, 1985;
Otto & Chau, 1989) requires an initial set of corresponding
points (seedpoints) in the left and right images to begin stereo-
matching. Feature based matching which extracts a few
distinctive features (edge, line, interest etc) from the images
with the aid of some operator is used. The selection principle
of these interest points should fulfill five requirements. These
are distinctness invariance, stability, seldomness and
interpretability (Foerstner, 1986). The interest operator used is
the Foerstner interest operator based on the error ellipse of the
normal equation matrix N
YG % Y GyGx
|Xoyox Yo*,
where Gx and Gy are the partial derivatives in X and Y
respectively. The sums are calculated in a user specified
window size (typically 7x7). The output of the conjugate
points of the Foerstner operator are used to initiate the
stereomatcher (Allison et al, 1991). These seedpoints are
always determined from the highest resolution images.
A coarse-to-fine matching strategy (Zemerly et al, 1992)
consisting of four image resolution levels was used. Each
higher level image was reduced by a factor of two begining
with an image size of 512x480 at the bottom and one of 32x30
at the top. Matching begins at the upper most level, with the
co-ordinates of the seedpoints determined at level 0 having
been reduced by the necessary factor. All the successful
matches are then cascaded onto the lower level. The initial
seedpoints are again reduced by the necessary factor for this
level plus all the points inherited from the top level all used in
this new level. This process continues until the lowest level of
the pyramid is reached.
Level 4
(Reduction factor 16)
NS 512x480 Level
Fig. 3: Illustration of the coarse-to-fine matching.
The stereo-matcher is based on Gruen's adaptive least
squares correlation algorithm, ALSC (Gruen, 1985)
extended by Otto and Chau's region growing algorithm (Otto
and Chau, 1989). The technique basically works as follows:
Co-ordinates of initial pairs of approximately matching points
in the left and right image are determined either by hand
digitising on a workstation screen using a mouse, or by the
use of interest operators. Each of these seed stereo-matches
can be used to determine a disparity vector linking the image
points. Five or six disparity values are required to allow the
automatic sheet growing stereo matching algorithm developed
at University College London *, to be applied to the images.
Gruen's algorithm considers a patch of area around a
seedpoint in the left image and finds the patch in the vicinity of
the corresponding seedpoint in the right image such that the
sum of the square of the differences between the grey levels in
these patches is minimised. The patch is allowed to be
distorted in the right image by an affine transformation ( i.e
simple rotation, translation and scaling), and different
illuminations are allowed for by multiplicative and additive
constants. The location of the matching point in the right image
is thus improved from the initial estimate provided by the
seedpoint, to the pixel most closely corresponding in the right
image to the seedpoint in the left. The disparity for the point is
found by subtracting its co-ordinates in the right image from
coordinates in the left.
Gruen (1985), has shown that the "precision" of the match can
be expressed as the maximum eigenvalue of the shift
parameters in the covariance matrix. The magnitude of this
eigenvalue is inversely proportional to how good the match is.
Consequently a maximum eigenvalue is specified, and if the
best match has eigenvalue above this limit then it is considered
to have failed and the point is rejected. Otto and Chau (1989)
use ALSC to grow a region of matched points from the initial
seedpoints and then from subsequently matched points. It
takes a point in the neighbourhood of a matched point in the
left image, and uses ALSC to find a matching point in the right
image starting at the same disparity - thus increasing the
number of matched points by one. The region continues to
grow in this manner until it extends it in all directions
producing a point with eigenvalue exceeding the acceptable
* 3.D Image Maker won the 1990 British Computer Society
award for Technical Innovation.