Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Pof. Dr. Sc. Á Detrekói, dr. K. Fekete , A. Knyihr 
Technical University of Budapest, Dept. of Photogrammetry, Hungary, ISPRS commission V. 
The Hungarian Railway in 1986 entrusted the Chair of Photogrammetry of the Technical University of Budapest with 
the working up of a clearance chart testing system based on photogrammetrical system. The paper describes the main 
characteristics of this system: the photography by reseau-cameras,the calibration of the system, the stereoplotting using 
rebuilded, stereo-comparator, the program system of the calculation The system started to work in 1991 on experimental 
mode. The first results are suitable, the system insures the required precision. 
KEY WORDS: Close-Range, Analytical, Non-metric. 
In the year of 1986 the Hungarian Railways (MAV) en- 
trusted the department of Photogrammetry of the Tech- 
nical University of Budapest with the working up of a 
clearance chart testing system based on photogrammet- 
rical principle. 
On the various railways there are a lot of consignments 
which are much larger than usual ones. They are even 
larger than the theoretical clearance charts. 
For the planning of an undisturbed route for these con- 
signments we have to know the real dimensions of the 
cealrance charts. The procedure of measurement is usu- 
ally very slow when using the conventional methods and 
is not to be credited. This fact demands for the elabora- 
tion of new photogrammetrical systems. 
The two main parameters of the evolving systems were: 
1., making serial exposures in rapid succession at a rate 
of 60km/h; 2., the precision of the points to determine 
were characterized by a standard deviation of 10mm. 
We could hardly ever find in the professional literature 
data concerning photogrammetrical measurements. The 
Swedish system (Magnussen at al., 1975) is of two pic- 
tures, the Danish one (Aaberg, 1978) is based on a one- 
picture shot principle. The Austrian system (Presle et al., 
1987) evolved at the same time with ours is stereopho- 
togrammetrical too. 
For the selection of the applied method we tested a lot 
of various metric or nonmetric cameras, photo systems, 
methods of taking photographs and processing methods. 
The photo systems were to some extent photographic in- 
struments (phototeodolites, reseau-cameras, simple ama- 
teur cameras), partly CCD-sensors and inpart video cam- 
We compared the one-pictured arrangements to the two 
pictured ones. We examined the analog and analyti- 
cal photogrammetrical measurements and also tested the 
adaptability of digital image processing. Taking into con- 
sideration three things: 1., the precission requirements; 
2., the sum at the disposal of us and 3., the expectable 
conditions of the working we suggested the elaboration 
of a stereophotogrammetrical system based on reseau- 
cameras. We also proposed the extension of a special an- 
alytic system for the measurements and as a mahtemati- 
cal method the bundle adjustment. We made the system 
suitable for the graphic representation of the results and 
also the junction to a special railway information system. 
The presentation of the measuring system is separated 
into its components or its stages of work. 
In order to make the photos there was modificated a rail 
car, figure 1. This specially rebuilt motor engine consists 
of two parts a compartment and a platform. In the com- 
partment there are two cameras and the flashes which 
serve for the light. The auxiliary machines are there too; 
they insure complementary information. 
Figure 1. Rail Car 
a) Front view 
b) Lateral view 
camer as 
Lvs rite M 

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