Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

The two cameras are equipped with Rolleimatric with re- 
seau, they make the photos. The pictures are made usu- 
ally on very sensible films. The location of the cameras 
was determined partly by direct measurement, partly by 
calibration; we shall write about the calibration later. In 
order to insure the required illumination from time to 
time - we used two flashes of great efficiency. The system 
of controlpoints was made by invar bars they were situ- 
ated on the platform. It served as the repeated determi- 
nation of the elements of orientation marks/ checkpoints. 
We started our first experiments in autumn 1990 they 
proved that the elaborated system is suitable - under reg- 
ulated speed conditions - for making good quality snap- 
The calibration of the measuring system means the loca- 
tion of the points of minor control and also the location 
of the distinctive points. Calibration was made on an 
expecially located area of the Hungarian Railways. The 
necessary measurements were made by second theodolite 
and by invar tapes. 
The precision of the cariblation up to present is charac- 
terized by the standard deviation of 0.5mm of the co- 
ordinates. The comparison (cross-cheking of the results 
of calibration made in different times indicates the con- 
siderable stability of the points of minor control. 
We made some previous analysis concerning the stereo- 
plotting and it seemed clear that we needed a working 
evaluation system based on analytical principle. The use 
of an analytical plotter - this accomplishment seemed ev- 
ident - we could not afford. In its lack we suggested the 
required transformation of a rather old stereo-comparator 
type Zeiss 1818. 
After its service, adjustment and (re)calibration this in- 
strument was fit with / equipped with an electronic 
marker and an impulse-transforming circuit. This made 
possible the mensurration of the rotation of the four mea- 
suring springs with electronic marks. These marks gener- 
ate an independent succession of square-waves. This suc- 
cession was fitted with the counter cards of an IBM XT 
compatible personel computer throw a shield of buched 
The couter cards are suitable for the registration of the 
incoming marks under the influence of the software and 
partly under the influence of the pedal. The measuring 
system was completed even with a printer and a plotter. 
The principle of the struture of the measuring system is 
depicted in the figure 2: 
printer plotter 
system of fits 
Zeiss 18 18 
mark contact 
The elaborated measuring system is suitable for the lo- 
cation of every single image-point of the co-ordinates of 
the instrument to the precision of 0.005mm. In order to 
process the pairs of points by means of this measuring 
system, the following types of points can be measured: 
— reseau points 
— prints of minor control 
points of the rail serving the location of the clearance 
— points of the clearance chart. 
The evaluation program system is controlled by personal 
computer. The system contains five pseudo-systems: 
— universal 
— measuring 
— drawing 
— data transmitter. 
The measuring pseudo-system insures the identification, 
the storage and the processing of the measured coordi- 
nates. The principal task of the pseudo-system is to de- 
scribe grphically the situation of the counter card throw 
the built-in driving gear of the software and the storage 
of the measured points with their scores and coordinates. 
The processing og the measured data contains the follow- 
ing operations: 
— error filtering (based on repeated measuring) 
— centralization 
— conversion to the calibration coordinate system 
— correction of the bad drawing. 
The task of the measuring pseudo-system is the determi- 
nation of the points of the clearance chart. The two teps 
of the calculation are: 
— determination of the points of minor control 
— transformation of the points of the clearance chart 
into the chart. 
The first step is equalization of the bundle of rays. The 
programme of the equalization of the bundle of rays was 
built in the usual way, departing from the collinear equa- 
The calculation was devided into two parts: the simula- 
neous resection at the place of perspective center wards 
the intersection of the point of the clearance chart. The 
task can be solved by the point situated on the platform 
of the rail car. Then are the points of minor control. 
The second step is the transformation of the points into 
the clearance chart. This was made by putting the chosen 
measured points of the rail to its proper use, the transfor- 
mation was based on spatial similitude. The task of the 
drawing pseudo-system is the generalization of the eval- 
uted clearance charts drawn by the plotter. The plotter 
drawing is an obstacle drawing. This drawing contains 
the datum lines of the clearance chart. The sample of 
the clearance chart which is valid at a given portion and 
the edge of the abstacle. (The plotter draws the points in 
such order in which the evaluation was made. Afterwards 
it draws the obstacle.) 

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