Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

(window) data; no prior signal conditioning or smoothing 
is necessary. 
À severe drawback of commonly used edge finding 
methods (e.g., all ’classical’ operators) is that they are 
purely signal driven and lack scene-descriptive criteria; 
they treat ’right’ and ’wrong’ edges, e.g., due to shadows, 
equally. Poor performance will usually also result under 
the influence of noise or texture, both inevitable in natural 
scenes. But even optimized algorithms cannot resolve 
ambiguities on the low level, even less so, if they work on 
local support only (as on a window). This shows the need 
to include more a priori knowledge or to establish some 
control mechanisms. In our case the guiding mechanism 
for real-time road boundary and object tracking is based 
on spatio-temporal scene interpretation utilizing generic 
3D geometrical models for the environment and objects, 
a known ego-motion model and the laws of central (per- 
spective) projection. 
Even when considering the relatively simple shape of 
two converging road boundaries in the image, there are 
many sources of ambiguity and uncertainty under real 
world conditions: e.g. there may exist dominant edges 
across the road due to shadows, there may be multiple 
nearby parallel edges or intermittent stretches without 
welldefined boundaries, all additionally blurred due to 
vehicle motion (fig.3). 
Accepting ambiguity on the low level allows the use of 
simple and fast algorithms there (even more so, if only a 
fraction of the whole image is processed). Having to 
resolve ambiguity or uncertainty then on a higher level 
requires that no essential information is withheld or lost 
by the low level operations. This, however, will mostly 
occur if single, optimal results due to local criteria are 
extracted. So, a well balanced approach is necessary to 
fine tune the distribution of competence between the signal 
driven and the model driven processing levels. 
Fig.3: Campus road under difficult conditions 
As the proper appearance of the road boundaries in the 
image can be easily predicted given the observer's relative 
position and the motion state, in the approach used here 
local edge extraction is tightly guided and controlled by 
the interpretation level; i.e. the interpretation level com- 
mands the expected edge direction and location plus some 
optional parameters for adapting the algorithm according 
to its predictions. In return, it receives a description set of 
several edge candidates in the area with the orientation 
sought (fig. 3), plus additional ones from potential edges 
with similar orientation in a limited sector around the 
commanded direction. These are checked against the ex- 
pected edge locations, then the best candidates satisfying 
the model criteria are selected for updating the state esti- 
mates, or they may be rejected at all if falling outside of 
some allowed threshold around the reference position. 
The core algorithm correlates an image area along a 
search path within the window with an ideal step edge as 
reference pattern. A very efficient implementation of this 
technique on a conventional microprocessor has been 
originally given by [Kuhnert 85]. Very similar directional 
step edge operators are described in [Canny 86], derived, 
however, under optimality aspects with respect to shape 
and operator width; computational simplicity and effi- 
ciency has been less emphasized in the latter case. 
A version of Kuhnert’s algorithm with a significantly 
improved interface to the interpretation level is being used 
here. It is better adapted to noisy real-world scenes and 
applies bar masks’ with up to 32 discrete orientations, 
yielding a directional resolution of down to 6 degrees. Up 
to four different edge element (edgel) candidates are ex- 
tracted per window, so that for the road boundaries a set 
of up to 32 edgels per camera may be passed to the 
interpretation level for selection and further analysis. 
On an Intel 80286 microprocessor (8 MHz/no wait- 
states) it takes less than two video cycles (40 ms) to 
subsequently analyse two windows (sized 48x48 pixels) 
at different locations for three different edge orientations 
and to extract a set of edge candidates for each window. 
Inthe transputer system this step is performed on one T222 
processor within 8 windows. 
4. Intelligent navigation using landmarks 
With the definition of intelligent behavior of an auton- 
omous system geared to making decisions in response to 
environmental events it is logical, therefore, that at least 
crude understanding of the task domain is a basic require- 
ment. In the following section, the evolution from dead 
reckoning to path following and finally to landmark 
navigation is presented. 
Main sensors for the navigation task performed with 
'ATHENE' have been precision shaft encoders on both 
rear wheels and steering, one rate gyroscope for measuring 
the turn rate of the robot and one black and white TV- 
camera including an image sequence processing system . 
Each of the different sensor types has its specific merits, 
depending on the robot's state. The signals of the shaft 
encoders are usefull as long as the robot operates on 
smooth and well defined surfaces with moderate move- 

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