Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

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9. Conclusions 
The overall system architecture for flexible automation 
of vehicle guidance based on dynamic vision has been 
validated on two different testbeds. The basic sensory 
inputs to the system are video signals from CCD-TV 
cameras in combination with odometric and inertial sensor 
data from the vehicle body. The 4D-approach to dynamic 
vision yields a natural way to integrate different sources 
of sensor data. The visual navigation methods, path fol- 
lowing and landmark navigation, utilize the expectation- 
based approach perfectly by exploiting prediction error 
feedback with full spatio-temporal models for servo-main- 
taining an internal representation close to the real world 
objects. Both methods may be used in a complementary 
or an exclusive mode. In experimental results it has been 
shown that the combination of both yields very robust and 
precise navigation capabilities for an autonomous vehicle 
through structured environments. 
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