Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

r Least- 
p. 983- 
Armin Gruen, Thomas Kersten 
Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry 
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 
ETH-Hoenggerberg, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland 
Tel.: +41-1-377 3038, Fax.: +41-1-372 0438 
e-mail: Armin@p.igp.ethz.ch 
Commission V 
Highly time-constrained robot vision applications require a careful tuning and optimized interaction of a system's 
components hardware, algorithmic complexity, software engineering, and task performance. The high accuracy 
processing of full-frame image sequences for image analysis and object space feature positioning is very time 
consuming. In both of these processes, sequential estimation algorithms offer valuable alternatives to 
simultaneous approaches. This paper introduces an efficient estimation algorithm based on Givens transformations 
for use in point positioning and updating camera orientation data. In a test, an easy-to-use standard video camera 
has been applied for image frame generation. The results of camera calibration and an accuracy test using a 3-D 
testfield are presented. The computing times of sequential point positioning and camera orientation are given and 
in part compared to the values for the simultaneous adjustment. This clearly indicates the superior performance of 
the sequential procedure. 
KEY WORDS: Sequential Estimation, Real-Time, Robot Vision 
Image sequences play an important role in photogramme- 
try, machine vision and robot vision. While in classical 
photogrammetry, especially in aerial applications, data ac- 
quisition and processing is largely separated, this is not 
the case any more in modern applications where non-pho- 
tographic sensor technology and digital processing tech- 
niques are employed. Fast methods for data reduction are 
required, in particular, in highly time-constrained robotics 
applications, but are also very often of advantage in less 
time-critical machine vision and digital photogrammetric 
projects. The classical data reduction process consists of 
the two major stages image measurement and 3-D point 
positioning. These process components arc in general sep- 
arated from each other. In each case, simultancous algo- 
rithms can be reformulated into sequential form for better 
time performance. 
In image processing well-known sequential formulations 
exist for incremental convolution operations (used in line- 
ar filtering, resampling, image pyramid generation, etc.); 
in image analysis they are applied in the pixel location 
transformations in orthophoto production (Baltsavias et 
al., 1991) and in form of the Kalman filter in the tracking 
of line segments in image space (Deriche and Faugeras, 
A well known example is that of on-line triangulation us- 
ing sequential estimation techniques in point positioning 
with acrial photographs. Here the computational proce- 
dure of on-line bundle triangulation is closely tied to the 
image coordinate measurement process of a human opera- 
tor. The main purpose of this fast sequential estimation is 
that of blunder detection at an carly stage of the measure- 
ment process with the utilization of quick remeasurement 
possibilities and better blunder control capabilities. Im- 
portant characteristics of this application are, on the one 
hand, the constantly varying size of the state vector (“so- 
lution vector” in least squares adjustment terminology) of 
bundle adjustment consisting of the exterior orientation 
parameters of photographs, the object point parameters 
and possibly additional parameters for self-calibration. 
On the other hand, the full covariance matrix of all system 
parameters is, if at all, only needed at the termination of 
the process. A third distinctive characteristic are the high 
and typical sparsity patterns of the matrices involved in 
the estimation procedure (design matrix of observation 
equations and normal equation matrices of least squares). : 
Given these system characteristics a number of sequential 
estimation algorithms have been compared to each other 
in the past. Firstly, the TFU algorithm (Triangular Factor 
Update), which updates directly the upper triangle of the 
reduced normal equations, was found to perform much 
better than the Kalman form of updating both in terms of 
computing times and storage requirement (Gruen, 1982, 
Wyatt, 1982). Later, the Givens transformations were 
found to be superior, in general, to the TFU (Runge, 1987, 
Holm 1989) both in computational performance and in the 
ease of mechanization and software implementation. In 
the meantime the Givens algorithm has been implemented 
in a number of systems (Edmundson, 1991, Kersten et al., 
1992). Already in the mid 80's, Gruen (19852) envisioned 
semi-automatic or fully automatic digital real-time trian- 
gulation systems for the future. We argue nowadays that 
machine vision and in particular robot vision could draw 
substantial advantages from these sequential approaches. 
This fact has been obviously acknowledged by the com- 
puter vision community, where, among others, two recent 
developments are of particular interest. In Matthies et al. 
(1989) the Kalman filter is used to estimate a depth map 
from image sequences. Typical for this approach is that 

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