Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

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ector x 
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. 50 ff). 
as unbi- 
y means 
hose the 
n as 
x is the vector of object point coordinates, 
t is the vector of orientation elements, 
A, and A» are the associated design matrices; and 
e, l, and P are the true error vector, constant vector, 
and weight matrix for image point observations, 
x and t are considered here as unconstrained (free) param- 
eters. If observations are available for some or all of the 
object point coordinates, a second system of observation 
equations is added, that is 
ve, mIr-4 ; P. (4b) 
Similarly, observations for the orientation elements would 
ze, = Il, P, (4c) 
The least squares principle, applied to Equations (4a), 
(4b), (4c) leads to the combined minimum 
vIPy 4 vIP,v t VIP. v, — Min. (5) 
e cc 
For the purpose of simplicity and without loss of generali- 
ty, we will operate in the following derivations only with 
the reduced minimum principle 
vPy > Min, 
that is, we will consider only Equation (4a) as observation 
The resulting normal equations are of the form 
i NE Nt l, 
N,,- AIPA, ,. 1, - AIPI 
N, = A'PA, , L = AIPI 
Nu = A,PA, . 
N is further assumed to be regular. In an off-line environ- 
ment Equation (6) is usually solved by applying Gauss or 
Cholesky factorization. The former can formally be de- 
scribed as a LU factorization, decomposing N into a prod- 
uct of lower and upper triangular matrices L and U, i.e., 
eel t 
or, with L = UTD (D is a diagonal matrix), in thc alter- 
nate formulation 
> > 
After the reduction of the right hand side, the solution 
vector is computed from 
Hit t 
by back-substitution. 
In photogrammetric triangulation the factorization is usu- 
ally done as a stepwise procedure, stopping the reduction 
of N right before it enters what was originally the N,, ma- 
trix. This procedure leads to the pre-reduced normals N,, 
Nat = In, (10) 
with N, 2 N,—NLN,IN , and 
Ip = NN, 
N is finally factorized to an upper triangle N,, and t is 
obtained by back-substitution from 
The mechanization of this off-line factorization algorithm 
takes advantage of the fact that N,, is a block-diagonal 
matrix with 3 x 3 submatrices along the diagonal. There- 
fore, the reduction of the point coordinates can be done on 
a "point by point" basis, leaving the structure of the N,, 
and N,, matrices unchanged, i.e., producing no new fill- 
ins in those matrices. This particular feature, based on the 
structure of N,,, is the key to a successful application of 
the Triangular Factor Update technique in on-line triangu- 
Assuming a sequential process and interpreting Equation 
(4a) as the status of the measurement system at stage k-1 
of the process, we get the following system if one or more 
image coordinate observations are added, including new 
parameters x,y and fy: 
=e =A, Xt Ant ls P 
x t (12) 
—em =A +A — ar P 
() ^ A19 2 (h) à Pa 
E E] e 
The updated normal equations of the stage k are of the 
44 = : (13) 
[ L 

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