Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

CPU-times per additional image point [sec] 
Number of frames 
LI ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] 
460 2726 5178 7246 9437 12056 14198 16604 18580 20860 
Number of observations 
LI | I ] ] ] | ] I 1 
282 510 570 624 693 792 852 906 966 1026 
Number of unknowns 
Figure 7: CPU-times for the inclusion of one additional image point into the sequence. 
(Sequential estimation in OLTRIS on a SPARCstation 1+, Sun Microsystems) 
between 0.01 seconds per additional image point meas- 
urement at the start phase of the triangulation and 1.54 
seconds at the stage of the last frame of the sequence. In 
comparison with these results this speed could not be 
achieved with simultaneous adjustment. Here, the normal 
equation system is relinearized, if the updating of the so- 
lution vector is requested after adding an image point 
measurement into the normals. For that, forming and solv- 
ing the normal equations during the triangulation takes 3 
seconds per iteration at the stage of 10 introduced image 
frames including 2726 observations and approximately 20 
seconds at the stage of 40 frames (9437 observations). 
This is approximately by a factor 70 worse than the se- 
quential mode and is far away from video real-time. 
Our investigations have shown that sequential estimation 
in a general point positioning and camera orientation 
module (bundle adjustment) using Givens transformations 
can result in very short response times for system updat- 
ing. In our example the insertion of one additional image 
point required 0.01 seconds at the stage of the first CCD- 
frame and 1.54 seconds at 88 frames on a Sun SPARCsta- 
tion 1+. The simultaneous solution required by a factor 70 
higher computing times. Thus within this computer envi- 
ronment, an image point insertion (and deletion) at video 
rate (0.02 sec) can be achieved at a system size of 10 
frames. This excellent computational performance makes 
the procedure of sequential updating of bundle systems by 
Givens transformations particularly useful in time-con- 
strained machine vision and robot vision applications. 
From a system point of view, however, object space fea- 
ture positioning may be only a minor portion of the over- 
all computing time budget. Since image analysis and 
image understanding operations can easily chew up a 
large amount of computing time, it should be worthwhile 
to investigate also into possible sequential formulations of 
related algorithms. 
As a by-product of our investigations we could show that 
even with an “amateur” TV video camera with integrated 
analog storage device a fairly good accuracy (1/10^^ of a 
pixel from 3-D check points) can be achieved. We believe 
that even better accuracies are possible if emphasis is put 
on a more sophisticated procedure for systematic error 
compensation. This opens interesting perspectives for the 
use of TV video cameras in a great variety of measure- 
ment applications. 
The software package OLTRIS was developed in the 
project “On-line point positioning with single frame cam- 
era data”, which was sponsored by the U.S. Government, 
Department of Defense, represented through its European 
Research Office of the U.S. Army in London. This sup- 
port is gratefully acknowledged. 
Baltsavias, E., Gruen, A., Meister, M., 1991: DOW - A 
System for Generation of Digital Orthophotos from Aerial 
and SPOT Images. Presented Paper ACSM/ASPRS An- 
nual Convention, March 25-29, Baltimore, Maryland. 
Beyer, H.A., 1987. Einige grundlegende Designfragen für 
die Entwicklungsumgebung für Digitale Photogram- 
metrie auf den Sun Workstations (DEDIP, Development 

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