Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

studying for degree of & land use plan - 
ners.Brief courses in photogrammetry are 
given for the students studying the archi 
tecture ,geography,geology,forestry and 
agriculture.Education in photogrammetry 
on the lower level in the land surveying 
branches of the. state technical schools 
is also provided. 
In Lithuania only five theses for the 
degree of candidate of technical sciences 
have been written on subjects related the 
photogrammetry and two doctorial theses 
concerning the optimization,projecting, 
adjustment and estimation of measurement 
Candidates of technical sciences are: 
V.Vainauskas "The investigation of errors 
in photogrammetric networks"; P.Kausakys 
"The aerophotogeodetic investigation of 
properties of landscape for the needs of 
melioration"; R.Vilunas "The investiga - 
tion of the deformations on construction 
systems by means of photogrammetry"; A. 
Zalnierukas "The planimetric phototriangu 
lation under use EC" and A.Pilipaitis 
"The improvement and investigation of 
photogrammetric approaches for inventory 
of cultural heritage". 
Doctors of technical sciences are: V. 
Vainauskas "The optimum photogrammetric 
methods for solving of engineering pro- 
blems with regard to the properties of 
geodetic measurements" and J.Skeivalas 
"The mathematical treatment of geodetic 
measurements with regard to tolerances". 
The scientific degrees were given in Mos- 
cow at the funda mental university for 
engineers of geodesy,serial surveying 
and cartography. 
In recent years digital computers are 
being widely used in automatization 
of processing of the measurement infor - 
mation.Therefore for processing of any 
information of photogrammetric measure- 
ments universal and standardized algo - 
rithms and programmes have been elabora- 
ted; that was usefull for processing of 
any images (aerial, terrestrial,metric, 
For the improvement of more rigorous 
digit models the method of & simultane - 
‘ous appliance of conditions of complana- 
rity and collinearity as well as the me- 
thod of including the so-called quasicon- 
trolled points for processing images un- 
der conditions of collinearity have been 
elaborated.As a result the amount of in- 
formation measured can easily increase, 
besides,without any additional means and 
efforts.For solution of various enginee- 
ring problems,neighbouring models of an 
object must be together processed and 
photogrammetric networks established. 
For the preliminary establishment of 
networks,the method of independent models 
is applied,and the final rigorous adjust- 
ment of bundles is carried out by means 
of successive changing of resection and 
intersection under conditions of perspec- 
tive or projective collinearity.Topologi- 
cal adjustment of photogrammetric net - 
works of this kind does not need making 
and solving large systems of equations ; 
owing to this PC computers can be used. 
Besides,such stepfull adjustment of net- 
works allows to use any functional sto- 
chastic model .This method of phototrian- 
gulation has especially justified itself 
in architectural photogrammetry when spa- 
cial closeness and girdleness of object 
investigated had to be taken into account 
Considering the properties of topolo- 
gical processing of measurement informa- 
tion,an effective method has been worked 
out,i.e. a method including and proces - 
sing additional measurements with photo- 
grammetric ones,such as the length of li- 
nes,directional angles and azimuths,ele- 
vations of points,horizontal and vertical 
angles and others.All additional measure- 
ments are included into the process of 
computation through quasicontrolled poin- 
ts,besides without any essential increase 
in calculation and parameters to be deter. 
mined.Weight matrix (stochastic model) 
is formed in an empirical way.Besides, 
such an empirical choice of stochastic 
model reduces resolutely the influence 
of slight but gross mistakes in measure- 
ments,and as a result of this,an automa- 
tic rejection of measurements appears to 
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