Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

aerotriangulation (in Russian) // Geodesy 
and cartography.I961.No.9.P.33-41.Moscow. 
Vainauskas,V.V. Adjustment of block aero-. 
phototriangulation (in Russian) // Geodesy 
and cartography.1963.N0.8.P.40-46. i 
Vainauskas,V.V. On the prediction of accu- 
racy in the block phototriangulation (in 
Russian) // Geodesy and cartography.1976. 
Vainauskas,V.V. System of models for opti- 
mization and estimation of geodetic and 
photogrammetric control networks (in Rus- 
sian) // Geodesy and cartography.1979.No. 
Vainauskas,V.V.Pilipaitis,A.A Optimum al- 
gorithms for architectural photogrammetry 
(in Russian) // Geodesy,cartography and 
aerial survey.1984.Vol.39.P.II8-I27.Lwow. 
Application of analytical photogrammetry 
for solving of problems in engineering 
(in Russian) // Geodesy and cartography. 
Vainauskas,V.V. On the development of al- 
gorithms for solving of photogrammetric 
tasks (in Russian) // Geodesy and carto - 
D.V. Automated photogrammetric system for 
mapping (in Russian) // Geodesy,cartogras 
phy and aerial survey.l1985.Vol.42.P.I17 - 
Vaiznauskas,V.V. Simultaneous adjustment 
of photogrammetric and physical measure- 
ments in aerophototriangulation // Geode- 
sy and cartography .1963.No.2.P.42-49 .Mos- 
Vainauskas,V.V. Accuracy of analytical 
close-range photogrammetry (in Russian) 
Geodesy and cartography.1985.N0.3.P.35-39. 
Moscow. nd 
Vainauskas,V.V.Jarutis,R.A. Aerophototrian 
gulation using non-metric images (in Rus- 
sian) // Geodesy and cartography.I98 
10.P.34-38.Moscow. graphy.1987.No, 
Vainauskas,V.V. Aerophototriangulation u- 
sing condition of collinearity (in Rus- 
sian) // Geodesy,cartography and aerial 
Vainauskas,V.V. Application of additional 
information by establishment of projecti- 
ve models (in Russian) // Geodesy and 
Vainauskas,V.V. Analytical aerophototrian- 
gulation (in Russian) Geodesy,cartogra- 
phy and aerial survey.1989.Vo1,.50.P.I27- 
132 .Moscow. 
 Vainauskas,V.V. Aerial block phototrian- 
gulation (in Russian) // Geodesy and car- 
tography .1990.No.5.P.32-36.Moscow. 
Vainauskas,V.V. Aerophototrisngulation 
using simultaneously the conditions of 
complanarity and collinearity (in Rus- 
sian) // Geodesy and photogrammetry in 
under ground deposits.I988.P.45-5I.Sver- 
Wainauskas W.: Ueber die Ausgleichung 
der raeumlichen Bildtriangulation und 
ihre Genauigkeit bei der Anwendung der 
Polynome von zwei Veraenderlichen // Ver. 
messungstechnik.I966.Nr.II und Nr.I2.S. 
412-420 und 453-456.Berlin. 
'Vainauskas,V.V. Mathematical model of 
analytical photogrammetry (in Lithuanian) 
// Papers of geodesy.I979.Vol.II.P.80-94 
Vainauskas,V.V. Accuracy of radial and 
aerial phototriangulation (in Lithuanian 
Papers of geodesy.1972.Vo1.4.P.17I-I85. 
Pilipaitis,A.A. About organization of ar- 
chive of digital models cultural monu- 
ments (in Russian) // Geodesy and carto- 
Keivalas,J.M.: Der Einfluss der Fehler 
von Ausgangsdaten auf die Genauigkeit 
der ausgeglichenen Groessen // Vermes- 
Skeivalas,J.M. The Effect of Tolerances 
on the Esimation of Measuring Accuracy 
// Geodesy,Mapping and Photogrammetry. 
Skeivalas,J.M. The effect of tolerances 
smoothing of one simple measurement (in 
Russian) // Geodesy and aerial survey. 
Skeivalas,J.M.Hoffmeister,H. Fehlertheo- 
retishe und technologische Grundlagen 
fuer Industrievermessungssysteme // Ver- 
Skeivalas,J.l, The criterium of efficien- 
cy on estimation of mathematical expec- 
tation under contaminated distribution 
(in Russian) // Geodesy and cartography. 
Skeivalas,J.M. Determination of effect 
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