Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

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mapping information service and to share the 
literature resource of surveying and mapping 
Burette, D., Latarche, CH.-H.,  Pouyllau, D., Ten 
Haken, UJ.H., 1988, Prospective study for an ISPRS 
Database.In: Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote sensing. 
,Kyoto-Japan. Vol.27 part.B6,pp. 29-38 
Clark, J.E., 1987, Accessing the resources of the 
National Technical Information Service.Photogramme- 
tic Engineering & Remote Sensing ., LIII/4:385-397 
Hothmer, J., 1988,Information Retrieval for Litera- 
ture and Factual Data in Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing., Kyoto-Japan, Vol.27 part.B6, pp 85-94 
Hothmer, J., 1984, The information retrieval system 
ISPRS-IRS for literature and factual data, In: Int. 
Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sensing., Rio de Janeiro- 
Brazil, Vol.25-A8, pp. 158-169 
Huang,G. J., 1990, Computer-Aided Quality Control for 
Bibligraphic Database;New Technology of Library and 
Information Service(China).,No.1:5-8 
Piternick,A.B.,1989, Functions and Capabitities of 
online Searching Systems., Online Review, 13(8): 
Wen,S.H., 1991, On the Evaluation and control of 
indexing Quality in Bibliographic Database., New 
Technology of Library and Information Service 
INSPEC Thesaurus. IEE 

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