Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Fig. 14. Oblique aerial photograph of the area 
around Sint-Laureins (J.SEMEY). 
These creeks are since long silted up, but, under 
specific conditions of soil moisture they become 
again visible. 
4, Conclusion. 
These examples show that as well the spatial as 
the time dimensions of the earth surface phenomena 
must be studied for understanding fully the land- 
scape of to-day. The landscape, our environment, 
is indeed the result of the interaction happening 
between the phenomena occuring in a spatial rela- 
tionship and the phenomena succeeding in time. 
Here and now is one point of the reality. 
It is obvious that the Remote Sensing techniques 
became indispensable for performing these studies. 
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