Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

One of the major reasons for the persistence 
under development in many countries of the 
world today is due to inadequate 
Exploitation and development of all existing 
Natural Resources, On the other hand, the 
few developed wealth are not evenly 
distributed. The results of course are; 
The high percentage of poor standard of 
living, political instability, wars or 
civil strife, population Explotion, 
Ecological Disasters, and Low Economic 
growth rate. 
Other reasons might be historical factors, 
Religious Conditions, or even the Climatic 
Environment of countries. 
Existing Economic System in most 
developing countries of the world do not 
make adequate and appropriate budgetory 
allocation for the acquisitions, processing, 
analysis, and convertion of all available 
Natural Resources data into a form that 
represent a valuable information that 
could attract investment from developed 
Economy and as a reliable planning tool 
for Economic policies formulation. 
However, Economic and Technical Assistance 
programmes established by international 
organization in most developing countries 
of the world are making a considerable 
Economic impact in this regards. 
Nevertheless, these international 
organization efforts have not achieved 
much in its desire to maintaining a stable 
political and social conditions in 
Developing Countries of the world. 
Evidence are: wide spread civil strife 
or wars, high speed in political 
Transitions, Erosion menace, Deaforestation 
and Desert Encrougement, just to mention 
a few. 
The situation is even made worse by the 
present Global Economic Recession, 
resulting in a zero percent growth for 
Developing Countries Economic Performances 
(U.N. Surveys Report, 1991). 
The problem of insufficient Resource/ 
Geographic Information should be a major 
concern, considering the fact that more 
than half of the worlds' population are 
already undernourished, at the same time, 
the population growth rate in the 
Developing Countries follows a geometric 
In most countries, the concentration of 
people in the Urban Area keeps increasing 
from (1/3) one third in 1950 to (X) three 
quarters in 1990. To cope with all the 
identified problems, it would be 
necessary firstly, to take urgent 
Steps to increase heavily the produc- 
tion of foods by means of Large Scale 
Agricultural Engineering Projects, 
such as Agragrian Reforms, Land 
improvement, irrigations, Drainage, 
Land Reclamation, among other modern 
technique, Secondly, to invest 
heavily on the Exploitation and 
Developing Adequately all the available 
Natural Resources. 
For effective implementation and 
realization of such Large Scale 
projects, Photogrammetric Surveying 
and Mapping products are the necessary 
planning imputs and working tools. 
At the initial stage of the project 
planning, Aerial photography and 
Satellite imagenaries at reasonable 
Scales and Quality will play a 
predominant role as the basis for 
preliminary Explorations of the existing 
Natural Resources, Determination of 
Agricultural potentials and as a 
support for photogrammetric Map 
compilations. Over the years, the issue 
of Capital has always been an impediment 
to Developing Countries efforts in 
projects implementation, apart from 
insufficient number of qualified 
This formidable task of Capital 
generation can only be solved by 
means of Rapid Exploitation of the 
existing Natural Resources and 
Conversion of these resources into 
a mobile capital (Geographic/Resource 
The task of providing a reliable 
geographic/Resource Information, 
necessarily comprehends as its first 
phase the.Establishments of an 
inventory of all the existing Natural 
Resources, This operation can only 
be accomplished through the preliminary 
photo-interpretation, Image Analysis 
and photogrammetric map compilations. 
However, most Developing Countries of 
the world do not have the required 
Technology to convert their Natural 
Resources into a mobile capital - 
(geographic/Resource Information) as 
compared to developed countries where 
the growth direction and Time Scale 
of geographic/resource Information 
Technology is driving competition. 
It might be emphasized here that there 
will be no Regional and Economic 

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