Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

IPS View - Spectral Image Processing System: Copyright 1991, CSES/CIRES, Univ. of Colorad 
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Figure 2. The Spectral Image Processing System (SIPS) graphical user interface is capable 
of displaying "hyper-spectral" remote sensor data (i.e. more than the standard 1-8 bands). 
In this example bands 28, 17 and 10 are used in the RGB color planes respectively. A 
comparative evaluation of the spectral signature of a pixel at an x, y location can be made 
with a saved spectral signature file. (Courtesy of Dr. Alexander Goetz, University of 
Colorado, Boulder, CO). 
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Figure 3. An example of a gray-scale step-wedge produced by the Video Information 
Communication And Retrieval (VICAR) digital image processing system. Also included 
is the ‘image space’ graticule and a histogram of the image which is so useful when 
performing image enhancement. 

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