Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

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A few of the projects under the programmes: 
- NAVSTAR GPS used in aerial triangulation. 
Very accurate and promising results. 
. - VEGSAT, Vegetation mapping from satellite in forested, 
mountainous and polar areas. 
Succesful mapping of reindeer grazing areas. 
- À GIS-project to reduce the gap between available technolo- 
gy and the utilisation of GIS technology in the public sector. 
- FGIS: The main objective is to develop specifications for an 
open, nationwide database system for geographical informa- 
- HYBRID GEOREC: A software package for automatic 
raster-vector conversion of topographic maps. 
- Cartographic zoom: A software system for on-line generali- 
zation of maps during zooming on graphical screens. 
6.3 Department of Surveying and Mapping, University of 
Industrial photogrammetry: A complete procedure has been 
developed for test-field calibration of analog and digital 
cameras using automatic recognition of targets and bundle 
adjustment. The project has been a cooperation with the 
department of Data Processing [Amdal etal. 1990, Hádem, 
Industrial photogrammetry: The department has contributed to 
the development of a digital photogrammetric station (Metro- 
logy Norway System) for high precision industrial measure- 
ment, applied by the company Metronor AS [Hidem & Amdal 
1992, Amdal 1992]. 
Remote sensing in forestry: The aim of the project is to 
develop complementary methods for forest inventory by the use 
of satellite remote sensing. These methods are planned to 
classify only those areas in the forest that actually are inte- 
resting compared with the latest inventory. By these methods 
the complete and ordinary inventory is planned to be under- 
taken with longer intervals. The projects is a cooperation 
between the section of forestry at a regional college (NTDH) 
and the department. 
6.4 Department of Mapping Sciences, 
Agricultural University of Norway 
A GIS-laboratory, and education in GIS, was established in 
1991, see section 6.1. A book of lecture notes on GIS was 
issued in 1992: @.Andersen: "GIS Geographic Information- 
System". ISBN 82-557-0376-4. 195p. 
Three projects on using GPS in aerial triangulation have been 
carried through/are under way. Software for position determina- 
tion from GPS observations (pseudorange, doppler and carrier 
phase) was developed, and aerotriangulation software was 
modified for the input of GPS-observations. 
- GAFF- project. Photography in 1988, see [Andersen 1989, 
Hals 1989]. Very promising results. 
- GAFF2-project. Photography in 1990. Larger image scale 
than in GAFF. Report to come in 1992. 
- GAFF3-project. Photography in 1992. Improved technology 
compared to GAFF2. Preliminary report expected in 1993. 
Two software packages for block adjustment have been 
developed; one for adjustment by independent models, and one 
for bundle adjustment. 
A project on satellite imagery used for geology: 
Hildur Hákás: Digital processing of SPOT data applied to 
Quaternary geologic mapping compared with conventional 
Satellite imagery for monitoring of fires on the African 
savanna: This project has as goal the development of methods 
for using digital satellite data from NOAA (AVHRR) to 
monitor bush-fires during the dry season on the African 
savanna [Langaas]. 
Interpretability of High Resolution Satellite Imagery: This 
project is a comparative study of KFA-1000 and SPOT HRV 
satellite imagery [Dick 1989]. Included in the project is deve- 
lopment of quantitative methods for expression of the content 
of detail. 
Russian Satellite Imagery of Norway: This is an investigation 
of the geometric accuracy of a KFA-1000 satellite image 
[Maalen-Johansen 1991]. 
The importance of the methods used for geometric correction 
of satellite imagery: This project investigates the quality of 
satellite imagery rectified with different procedures. 
Presentation of satellite images on PC's with standard VGA- 
graphics: This project also includes a search for optimal 
datacompression of satellite imagery. 
Geometric-optical modelling of forest canopies: This project 
has analyses of Landsat TM and Spot imagery, based on 
mathematical modelling of the reflection from forests. The 
method will give information on the amount and density of 
On the courses and teaching in satellite mapping, see [Dick 
Close-range videometry: In this digital close-range photo- 
grammetric project a mono videocamera system for measuring 
dynamic processes was designed and calibrated [Maalen- 
Johansen 1992]. 
6.5 GRID-Arendal 
GRID-Arendal, one of the current 5 major GRID-centres in the 
global network, is primarily concerned with assembling, pro- 
cessing and supplying information concerning the status of the 
environment in Norway/the Nordic countries with adjacent seas, 
and in the polar regions. 
GRID-Arendal is also working with global environment 
presentations and scenarios, and lends its technical support to 
the expansion of the GRID network. 
GRID-Arendal does not produce primary data, but procures 
relevant data from a wide number of monitoring programs and 
natural resource surveys, compiles the data, analyzes it, and 
disseminates an information product for decision-makers and 
the general public. 
Work initiated by GRID-Arendal: 
- Construction and development of a meta-database model for 
the Arctic. 
- Presentation of ice-cover dynamics in the Barents Sea over a 
20-year period. 

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