Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

- private companies - 147; 
- public instituions - 627: 
a) federal - 687, 
b) state  -— 317, 
c) municipal - 0,52; 
- university - 23Z: 
a) federal - 437, 
b) state - 487, 
c) foundation - 9%. 
74% of the users were between 26 and 45 years old, 
what means that these users were children or 
teenagers when the first satellite ( Sputnik) was 
launched in 1961. These professionals grew up in 
the satellite era. 
In Brazil, professionals in this range of age are 
looking for new challenges and new 
technologies,because they are developing their 
professional lives. 
5% were between 20 and 25 years old. Probably these 
professionals were beginning their professional 
18% of the users were between 46 and 65 years old. 
These users probably had a well structured 
professional life or were going to retire; so, they 
were not interested in new challenges. 
83% (267) were men and 177 ( 54 ) were women. 
Probably this relation has changed, because year 
after year more and more women are getting involved 
with remote sensing. 
With the results of the first phase of this study, 
it was decided to analyse this community in more 
details. For this purpose, the data collected in 
the Brazilian Remote Sensing Symposiuns (BRSS) were 
The I9 Brazilian Remote Sensing Symposium was held 
in 1978, in Sao José dos Campos, where INPE's 
headquarters is located. The II°BRSS was held in 
1982, in Brasilia, capital of Brazil, Central-west 
region. The III?BRSS was held in 1984, in Rio de 
Janeiro, Southeast region. The IV?one was held in 
1986, in Gramado, South region; the V one was held 
in 1988 in Natal, Northeast region and the VI?^one 
was held in 1990, in Manaus, Amazonia, North 
Usually the participants number is around 500 
people. The VI? BRSS, at which there were 802 
participants, was held jointly with the I Latin 
American Remote sensing Symposium. Up to now this 
was the most important BBSS, which was attended by 
many participants from meighbouring countries. The 
VI BRSS was. held  /jointly with the ISPRS 
International Symposium on Primary Data 
The majority of papers presented in the BRSS were 
from environmental analysis area. This area 
embodies the following application areas: land use, 
watershed management, geomorphology, urban studies 
and regional planing. 
Besides this application area, the areas of 
geology, vegetation, digital image processing and 
agriculture were identified as very important ones 
as well, 
In the BRSS, the following applications areas were 
considered for paper: presentation: geology, 
cartography, environmental analysis, agriculture, 
vegetation, meteorology, oceanography, basic 
research in remote sensing, digital image 
processing education, institutional, GIS, sensor 
system and hydrology. 
The papers presented were divided into two classes: 
a) Papers from INPE ( dependent papers): 
— papers written by INPE researchers; 
- papers written by  INPE researchers and 
external researchers; 
— papers written by INPE remote sensing master 
b) Papers not from INPE (independent papers): 
— papers written by external researchers; 
- papers written by INPE ex-employees; 
—- papers written by INPE ex-remote sensing 
master students; 
Since the I^BRRSS, the majority of papers presented 
were from INPE, because it is the most important 
institution in remote sensing in Brazil. 
Fortunately in three symposiums (In V3 NT) the 
balance between INPE papers and external papers 
tends to maintain an equilibrium, specially in the 
V Symposium, where the difference between INPE 
papers and external papers is just 47. These 
results mean that at each symposium more and more 
researchers from different Brazilian institutions 
are getting involved with remote sensing. We hope 
that this balance changes in the future and the 
number of external papers will be higher than the 
number of INPE papers. 
What region the paper authors were from was also 
analysed. 87Z of the paper authors in the BRSS were 
from Southeast and South regions, and since the 
first symposium these regions have been the most 
representative. In spite of all INPE efforts to 
enhance the remote sensing activities in all 
Brazilian regions, the Southeast and South regions 
are still the most representative. 
These results are in accordance with the ones 
obtained in the first phase, where it was concluded 
that 73% of Brazilian Remote Sensing Community were 
living in the Southeast and South regions. 
It is interesting to point out that in the VI BRSS, 
held in Manaus, in Amazonia, the symposium theme 
was the Amazonian region. The index of papers 
authors was: 67% from the South, 657 from the 
Southeast, 1% from the Central-West, 7% from the 
North, 5% from the Northeast and 3% from Brasilia. 
The VI BRSS was the only one that had a specific 
theme. In this symposium only papers were about 
Amazonia, and from this amount just papers authors 
were from Amazonian region. It is important to 
notice that the large distance between Manaus and 
the rest of the country, the difficult economic 
situation in Brazil in 1990, and the lack of 
experts in remote sening in the Amazonian region 
were the reasons for the lack of participants from 
all Brazilian regions. 
After this second phase, the data about the 
training courses were analysed. It was possible to 
identify that from October 1985 to December 1991, 
996 people were trained, of "which 919 were 
Brazilian and 58 were from Mexico, Paraguay, 
Argentina, Colombia and Ecuador. 

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