Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

33 Dedicated education in remote sensing and geographic information engineering (Tab. 4) 
A=Short - term courses with certificates(5 months) 
B— Postgraduate diploma courses(1 year) 
C— Postgraduate courses with M. Sc. degree (2. 5 years) 
Tab. 4 courses in remote sensing and geographic information engineering 
Number of hours Level 
Course name 
Lectures Practical Tutorial A B C 
Physical fundamentals of remote sensing 44 10 x x x 
Aerospace data acquisition 24 6 v x x 
Adjustment 38 12 M x X 
Visual image interpretation 20 60 X X X 
Photogrammetry 40 40 X X X 
Computer aided cartography 10 4 X X X 
Digital image processing 60 20 X X X 
Remote sensing application technoloyg 60 30 30 X X 
Resource investigation and evaluation 40 60 X X 
Environmental monitoring and planning 26 34 X X 
Regional and town planning 32 48 X X 
Economics for resourccs and environment 34 6 X X X 
Remote sensing information systems 40 20 10 X X X 
Urban information systems 20 20 10 X X 
Pattern recognition 40 8 20 M X 
Systems engineering 20 v x 
Computer software engincering 12 20 20 Vv X 
Computer interface 24 16 20 v x 
M. Sc. thesis 1 year X 
University ; WTUSM 
3. 4 Dedicated education in photogrammetry and remote sensing(4 year, bachelor s degree) (Tab. 5) 
Tab. 5 courses in Photogrammetry and remote sensing (4 years) 
Subjects Introductory Intermediate Advanced 
Lecture Lab Lecture Lab Lecture Lab 
Group A; math, science an engineering 
1. Mathematics 200 100 45 16 
2. Physics. 120 50 
3. Earth science 50 32 
4. Computer science 42 36 30 20 20 10 
5. Engineering 122 51 

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