Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Tab. 5 (continued) 
Group B;surveying and mapping 
6. Geodetic positioning 75 26 40 10 
7. Gravity field determination 35 4 
8. Adjustmant 100 40 , 
9. Plane surveying 50 50 40 120 40 120 
10. Engineering and mining surveys 
11. Hydrographic surveying 
12. Legal surveying 40 40 
* 13. Photogrammetry and remote sensing 80 90 40 15 220 250 
14. Digital mapping 
15. Land information systems 40 60 
16. Cartography 70 35 
Group C; non - technical 
17. Land and business law 
18. Planning 
19. Econmics and management 30 30 
20. Humanities 30 20 
Universities; WTUSM (Whan) Tongji University (Shanghai) South - West Jiaotong University (Chendu) 
Zhengzhou Institute of Surveying and Mapping (Zhengzhon) 
* This course includes fundamental photogrammetry, analytical photogrammetry, digital photogrammetry ,Principle and Application of 
remote sensing. 
3. 5 Dedicated educationin Photogrammetry and remote sensing (2. 5 years. M. Sc. degress) (Tab. 6) 
Tab. 6 courses in photogrammetry and remote sensing(2. 5 years, M. Sc. degress) 
Course name Hours ID 
Principles of Photogrammetry (with remote sensing) 80 X 
Matrix algebra 60 X 
computation methods 60 x 
Parameter Estimation and Advanced Adjustment 60 x 
Computer Graphics 40 x 
Englich 120 X 
German 60 Vv 
Relialility Theory 40 Vv 
Digital Image Processing (high level) 60 M 
Computer Vision 60 N 
Date Bases 40 Vv 
Artificial Intelligence expert systems 50 A 
Modern Photogrammetry and Remote sensing 40 A 
University ; WTUSM; South - West Jiaotong University ; 
Zhengzhon Institute of Surveying and Mapping 
X —Required , v/ —Elective. 
Each postgradrate student has to elect least 3 Courses from these elective courses. 
3. 6 Education in Urban - Rural surveying, planning and management (Tab. 7) 
A —Short - term course (1 to 3 months) 
B=Short - tem course(3 to 6 months) 
C=Postgraduate course (18 months) 
D=M. Sc. degree (30 months) 

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