Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

candidates. A section of remote sensing geology has 
been set in Department of geology of Zhejiang 
University. The rest universities have opened 1—3 
course concerned remote sensing. There are various 
kinds of universities in remote sensing, such as 
universities directly under the leadership of State 
Education Commission, universties administrated by 
Ministry of  Mieral of 
Agriculture, Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of 
Railway, Ministry of Hydrology, Bureau of Survey 
Resource, Ministry 
and Mapping, Bureau of Meteorology, and some 
military universities. There are many disciplines to 
connect with remote sensing technolgy, geography, 
gelolgy, agriculture, forest, aerophotography and 
and hydrology , 
physics and 
computer science, 
electronics, Among them, department of geography 
opened the most amount courses concerning remote 
sensing, 39% of their total courses, Depurtment of 
geology stands second 15%, Department of 
aerophotography occupies 12%, Department of 
agriculture has 10%, Department of computer 
science has 6%, courses connected with remote 
“ an 
Peking University had opened a course 
introduction to remote sensing" for selections of whole 
number of students to take remote sensing courses are 
university students. According to statistics, 
as follows : 
geography , 60; 
geology , 100; 
computer science , 70; 
geophysics , 20. 
The total number is about 450 per year. Based on this 
figure, we estimate 5,000 students to attend remote 
sensing lectures in our country every year. 
5. Future Trends and Conclusions 
As stated above, education and training system with 
several degrees/levels and for dfferent disciplines has 
been estallished in China for photogrammetry and 
remote sensing. 
The recent development of photogrammetry and 
remote sensing shows that (Ackerman, 1992 J 
(1) Computer 
improvements of performance; 
(2) The natural result has been a great methodical and 
thematic expansion which is 
technology has launchde vast 
giving our 
discipline a new status, new self - confidence 
and vastly extended application. 
As consequence photogrammetry and remote sensing 
are operating and interfacing with more general fields 
like computer vision, spatial information system, 
digital image processing, computer science, aerospace 
science. With these drastic changes our discipline has 
being now from photogrammetry that be longs to 
classical geometry science to iconic informatics that 
belongs to modern infromation science (Li, 1992] In 
order to meet the demands of these changes the future 
education and training in photogrammetry and remote 
sensing must be reformed, renewed and extended 
from time to time. The quality of future education 
concepts will have to be measured with criteria like 
(Gruen. 1990]; 
x Comprehensive thinking in the context of systems 
as opposed to the control of spotted skills; 
° Creative, independent thinking as opposed to 
receptive learning ; intellectual education instead of 
pure conveyance of facts; 
* Capalility for interdisciplinary and team work 
complementary to individualised study ability ; 
+ Flexibility of curriculum with respect to fast 
adaptation to quickly changing technologies and 
professional conditions as opposed to static, 
frictional , everlasting concepts; 
* Project oriented coursework and exemplary studies 
as opposed to striving for competeness in the 
conveyance of detailed procedural knowledge; 
< Modularity of curriculum with respect to the 
consideration of permanent continuing education 
as opposed to the concept of a one - in a - lifetime 
grogram ; 
For the engineer in photogrammetry and remote 
sensing it will be of utmost importance in the future to 
acquire a bette understanding of mang areas in basic 
subjects like mathatics and physics (also English for 
Chinese engineer ) and in supporting subjects like 
electrical engineering, computer science 
information theory. This will provide for a 

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