Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Figure 4. Concepts of Raster and Vector. 
Figure 5. Spatial data. 
Section 1.7.6. GIS Analysis Functions 
Generally speaking, GIS analysis functions can be grouped 
nto four major categories (Aronoff, 1989): 
1. maintenance aad analysis of the spatial data 
Four 755), 
2. maintenance and nalysis of the attribute data 
G WR Cs 
3. integrated analysis of spatial and attribute data 
(Fes LR 
75,5), and 
4. output formatting 
- results become attribute of objects 
- measure length of line object 
- measure area or perimeter of area object 
Figure 6. GIS analysis functions. Figure 7. The content for maintenance analysis of 
the spatial data. 

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