Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

As with any development effort, the procedures used for the 
development ofthe LIS pilot have varied greatly from its eventual 
use. Practical considerations such as local priorities, equipment 
and personal availability and the requirement to analyze ESA's 
current operating procedures and future requirements have con- 
trolled the approach used. Briefly, the approach chosen for the 
LIS Pilot has been as follows: 
Development of a temporary, but complete, cadastral map 
production system based on 100 percent field collection of the 
topographic and cadastral data needed to produce cadastral 
Design and development of the Land Records Production 
Collection of ownership information related to both the new 
and existing cadastral maps in Beheira governorate. 
* Experimentation with the digitizing of property, adminis- 
trative and political boundaries from existing cadastral maps. 
e Production of planimetric basemaps in Beheira governor- 
ate to provide a base for testing the fit of both newly surveyed 
and existing cadastral boundaries to the digital base maps. 
* Merger of the data from the other production modules in 
the LIS Applications Module. 
This approach was adopted to provide ESA with a quick start on 
the production of cadastral maps. It has done that. By mid-May 
92, more than 279 1:2,500 scale cadastral maps had been turned 
over to ESA’s cadastral edit section for final review. See Figure 1 
for a segment of one of the cadastral maps produced with the 
interim Cadastral Map Production System. 
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In mid-May 92, the operational status of each modules was as 
Map Production Module. Equipment received; installation 
and training in progress. Production scheduled to commence in 
Sep 92. Digital mapping specifications nearing completion. DFX 
to ARC/Info translation procedures under development. When 
fully operational, the Map Production Module should atwo shift 
output of between 150 and 200 1:2,500 scale basemaps per 
Cadastral Overlay Production Module. Fully operational. 
Governorate Cadastral Survey Groups are organized and 
equipped as depicted in Figure 3. 
In Beheira the cadastral survey group is fully staffed and trained 
except for a second data processing shift which is being added to 
reduce a growing backlog of digital survey data. After an average 
of 12 months of on-the-job training, field survey crews are 
averaging approximately 151 rod shots per total station per day 
with each feddan requiring 5.9 rod shots. After an average of 14 
months of on-the-job training, computational personnel are pro- 
ducing approximately 30 cadastral maps per month—60 percent 
the output required to keep up with the field crews. 
In Sharquiya the field team is approximately 75 percent staffed. 
The computational section is at 20 percent strength with addi- 
tional personnel being added monthly as individuals gain experi- 
ence in the field and complete the project’s computer training 
program. After an average of 6 months of on-the-job training, 
field survey crews are averaging 80 rod shots per total station per 
day with each feddan requiring 4.2 rod shots. After an average of 
2 months of on-the-job training, the understaffed computational 
sedctionis producing approximately 11 cadastral maps per month. 
e Land Records Production Module. Equipment received. Da- 
tabase design, data collection form and entry screens com- 
pleted. Data collection was just beginning. 
LIS Applications Module. Equipment received. Installation 
in progress. 
Figure 1 - - Segment of a 1:2,500 scale Cadastral Map 

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