Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

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Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service(USDA- 
SCS). The system, which is based on the EXSYS shell, uses a 
knowledge base of farm equipment and soil characteristics to 
assist farmers in selecting the best combination of farm 
equipment and conservation planting technology to minimize 
soil erosion(Morrison et al, 1989). 
Domain independent expert systems which contain only search 
control and general inference procedures are referred to as 
expert shells. Expert shells can be used to create expert systems 
for specific domains of applications. Depending on the 
knowledge representation method used expert shells may be 
characterized as rule based or frame based. Based on the search 
control or inference strategy used expert shells may also be 
characterized as forward chaining, backward chaining, or 
forward and backward chaining(Barr and Feigenbaum, 1981, 
SLEMS is essentially a rule based and semantic network based 
expert system. Knowledge is therefore captured and stored in 
the SLEMS knowledge base in the form of either a semantic 
network of facts or rules. Fuzzy or vague information is stored 
directly in the form of fuzzy expressions which can be queried 
by a fuzzy query processor as explained later. 
The capture and representation of domain knowledge is, 
generally, an iterative two step process. First a knowledge 
engineer supported by the domain expert analyses and abstracts 
the structure of the domain knowledge. The knowledge engineer 
then stores the abstracted knowledge using appropriate 
knowledge representation structures such as frames, semantic 
networks or rules. After knowledge acquisition the domain 
expert performs validation and verification tests on the system. 
The two processes are repeated as necessary to refine the 
representation of the domain knowledge(Ebrahimi, 1987 and 
Green and Keyes, 1987). 
The SLEMS uses both the rule based representation and 
semantic network structures to capture domain knowledge. The 
rules are designed as simple English-like "IF ... THEN ..." 
rules. These are compiled interactively by the SLEMS rule 
editor in the form of premises and conclusions. However in one 
of the SLEMS sub-system, LEARN, real world objects and 
facts are represented by a semantic network of object triplets. 
The SLEMS knowledge base is queried by a layer of 
specialized inference operators which exploit the hierarchical 
structure of the semantic network to infer facts not directly 
stored in the knowledge base. Alternatively a backward 
chaining strategy is used to search for knowledge base objects 
satisfying the premises of a rule. When a rule is satisfied the 
rule conclusion is asserted as a new fact and stored into the 
knowledge base. 
USLE | L——————————be| PARAMETERS 
The design of the SLEMS enables the capture and storage of 
three kinds of knowledge: knowledge directly needed for the 
solution of soil erosion problems, auxiliary knowledge required 
for the extraction of soil erosion information from external 
Sources, such as, aerial photointerpretation and remote sensing, 
and knowledge about the organization and use of the SLEMS 
knowledge base. 
The soil erosion domain knowledge stored in the SLEMS is 
based on Wischmeier's empirical formulae called the Universal 
Soil Loss Equation(USLE). It includes the six parameters, S, L, 
K,C, R, P, which represent the erosive effects of terrain 
morphology, soil characteristics, vegetation cover, hydrological 
and  meteorological factors, and conservation 
practice(Wischmeier, 1984; Meyer, 1984). The USLE is widely 
used by soil conservation and agricultural experts as a design 
tool for soil erosion control. 
Several variations of the USLE exist, each designed to handle 
different geographic, topographic, hydrologic, soil and ground 
cover conditions. The knowledge required by a soil erosion 
domain expert to select specific USLE models and compute 
values for the model parameters can be analyzed and organised 
by semantic network representation. For example Figure 1 
shows a semantic network representation of the USLE concept. 
In this scheme the top of the hierarchy contains a general USLE 
model characterized by a default parameter set (PARAMETERS) 
whose instances are the six USLE parameters K,S, C, R, L, P. 
Specific USLE models, such as for example the USLE_1 which 
might represent the USLE model for Eastern Canada, appear 
lower in the semantic network hierarchy. Specific models are 
characterized by parameter sets containing both specific and 
default parameter descriptions. Each parameter instance is 
characterized by a value (VAL.). The semantic network 
organization thus enables missing parameters to be inherited 
from models defined higher up in the hierarchy. 
Soil erosion is a complex problem. The study and the solution 
of soil erosion problems requires complex multi-variable 
information and a multi-discplinary approach to information 
management and analysis. Certain aspects of the problem such 
as data capture and processing, information extraction, and 
knowledge acquisition and extraction are amenable to solution 
by computerized knowledge intensive methods. Figure 2 is a 
functional model of the soil loss estimation and modelling 
problem. Thick arrows in the figure indicate the forward flow of 
information, from the data capture stage to the knowledge 
extraction and application stage. Thin arrows indicate the 
interplay between the various components of the problem. 
Figure 1: A Semantic Network Representation of USLE Concepts 
(Source: E.G. Mtalo, 1990, page 65). 

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