Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Space images became indispensable for ge- 
ographic research and thematic mapping. 
Special scientific-metodics manuals in 
the form of atlases of 
prepared in order to provide tneir more 
Space images are 
deep and variable use. Geographers team 
of the Moscow State University together 
with Utne Space Research Institute Acade- 
my of Sciences in cooperation witu other 
organisations are working at a series of 
such atlases. Three main things: image - 
methods of interpretation - results - 
comprise the base of materials presenta- 
tion. Methods of interpretation include 
visual interpretation and automatized 
one; methodics recommendations are given 
for different field of thematic investi- 
gation and map compilation. Two major at- 
lases have been published already and 
the third is being prepared. The first 
two voiumes were devoted to multiband 
images processing, wbich are new kinds of 
remote sensing materials widely distribu- 
ted due to cosmic research work. They 
were prepared in the international coope- 
ration within the frame of "Intercosmos", 
published by "Nauka" (Moscow) and "Acade- 
mie Verlag" (Berlin) publishing houses in 
three languages: Russian, German and Eng- 
lish. The Atlases received approval in 
the world press and are widely used for 
training of specialists in remote sensing 
The first volume of the "Atlas of inter- 
pretation of multispectral aerospace pho- 
tographs. Methods and results" deals with 
Space photographs and based on high qua- 
lity materials received by means of the 
MKF-6 camera, worked out by specialists in 
GDR and USSR. llethods of multispectral 
images interpretation are presented in it 
- successive interpretation of series in 
different bunds, comparative interpreta- 
tion using remote sencing objects spectral 
signature. Advantage of multispectral me- 
thod of survey for investigations and map 
compilation of different natural and eco- 
nomic objects is examplited by 10-12 sta- 
ndard territories in the USSR and GDK. 
These investigation include the following 
fields of geographical research and thema- 
tic maps compilation: shallow-water shel- 
ves Sea-bed relief explorations, investi- 
gations of submarine vegetation, submarine 
landseapes; terrestial relief and tecto- 
nies studies, glacial and hydrologic stu- 
dies - glacistion, stream processes, sedi- 
ments flow of rivers flowing into water 
basins investigations; landscape, soil- 
vegetation cover research and map compi- 
lation; natural regionalisation; agricul- 
tural research - land use and agricultu- 
ral plants maps compilation, settlements 
and types of settlements distribution in- 
vestigations; antropogenic environmental 
impact and nature conservations studies. 
Methods of interpretation and map compi- 
lation of these objects are examplified 
by the north-eastern Caspean sea, coasts 
of the Baltic and the sea of Okhotsc, Ce- 
ntral Yakutia, the Western Baikal area, 
the Pamir-Alay mountains chain, the South 
-Eastern Kazakhstan and the Middle Asia, 
the central part of GIK. 
Original methods of multispectral image 
processing are recommended for each of 
the directions of investigations, compri- 
sed by the Atlas subjects. Methods for 
both terrestial and shallow water basin 
natural resources studies are presented. 
Multispectral images for the latter give 
especially valuable data. 
The second volume of the Atlas is based 
on multispectral scanner images of high 
resolution recived by scanner system "Fra- 
gment' from the satellite "Meteor-30", It 
illustrates broad possibilities of thema- 
tic multispectral scanner images interpre- 
tation and diversity of methods and means 
of processing used for this purpose, be- 
ginning with visual interpretation up to 
automatised map compilation. Since mate- 
rials of operational scanning survey, re- 
ceived in digital form, are intendent for 
computor processing, automatic images in- 
terpretation methods and objects classi- 
fications in the course of thematic map 
conpilation are presented in more details 
in this volume than in the first one. Se- 

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