Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

- to ensure that the trainees master their 
particular discipline, in an integrated map and 
geo- information production perspective. 
- to prepare the trainees to work within the 
particular culture of Survey of India with 
regard to surveying and mapping practices. 
Some of the suggestions that came out are: 
i) Introduction of short refresher courses on 
DEM data acquisition and processing for 2 
months for Executive level Officers in 
Survey of India. 
ji) Introduction of appropriate topics on 
computer technology with emphasis on Computer 
Assisted Cartography. The idea is to 
incorporate changes needed for switching over 
from Analogue Systems to Digital Technology. 
Introduction of topics concerning image 
processing and use of Remote Sensing Data. 
As a part of modernisation programme, à large 
number of existing Photogrammetric ^ Analogue 
Plotters are being upgraded as Digital Work 
Stations by installing Encoders through indigenous 
technology. This would give a boost to the 
contemplated change from Analogue to Digital 
environment on a wider scale in the whole 
In order to attract officers with talent and 
aptitude in teaching, a package scheme of 
incentives has been introduced in the department. 
This consists of 304 of salary as special training 
allowance, provision for accommodation on priority 
basis, choice of posting on completion of tenure 
in STI and other concessions. 
With the emergence of computer applications in the 
field of Surveying and Mapping, a special course 
i.e. Integrated Digital Map & Geo- informat ion 
Production System  (IDMPS) Course has been 
introduced in STI in collaboration with Institute 
of Aerospace Survey & Earth Sciences (ITC), The 
Nether lands. The first course of one year 
duration started in January, 1990 consisted of 7 
officers from Survey of India and 2 from other 
organisations. The following are the objectives 
of this course: 
i) to design and to establish an integrated 
Digital Map & Geoinformation Production 
System appropriate to an organisation. 
base for  geoinformation 
ii) to create data 
iii) to utilise a geoinformation data base of 
other organisations. 
Being an integrated course it encompasses 
important aspects of Photogrammetry, Geodesy, 
Cartography, Cadastral Survey and Thematic 
Applications at post-graduate levels making it the 
only course of its kind in India. Those 
successfully completing the course can create 
a Digital Data Base and a Geographic Information 
System (GIS) with thematic overlays for specific 
applications. The course participants make good 
use of satellite data obtained from Remote Sensing 
Satellites for image processing. 
The present training available in Survey of India 
meets only a fraction of the requirement in terms 
of numbers. The geoinformation needs for various 
planning and development projects are too huge as 
brought out in various published reports. 
Therefore, there is an urgent need to design new 
short-term and long-term courses for in-house 
training and also to meet the photogrammetr ic 
needs in other organisations. The present 
efforts of restructuring of STI as a part of 
modernisation programme needs to be further 
strengthened by expansion through phased 
recruitment. There is a great potential for STI 
to be shaped into a leading Institute of 
Photogrammetry and other allied subjects to 
effectively cater to human resource needs in this 
subcont inent. 
1. Department of Science & Technology, Government 
of India, Report of the Working Group for the 
formulation of Seventh Five Year Plan for the 
Survey of India, 1984. 
2. Groot R., 1990."The Information Society and its 
impact on national Surveying and Mapping", 
IDMPS Course material, Survey Training 
Institute, India. 
3. ITC/STI MOD Project Publication "Certificate 
Course in Integrated Digital Map & 
Geo-Information System", 1990. 
4. Planning Commission, Government of India, 
Report of Task Force on National (Natural) 
Resources Information System, 1988. 
5. Survey Training Institute, Survey of India, 
Training Programme, 1992. 

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