Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

reading of 20 identifiable point both on 
the original image and the photolytic 
film generated by the scanner. The test 
meant only to compare the image and the 
photolytic film coordinates. 
Lastly based on the tests, prints of the 
pilot test of the satellite image were 
made by print experts. 
An Image Satellite Chart of the 
Metropolitan Area of both Curitiba and 
Coastal Lines of Paraná, was thus 
obtained through the above described 
methodology. This Chart was most 
welcome by the great public who showed 
interest in the subject thus allowing the 
project to be successful. 
This work was basically a  pilot-test 
which included teaching goals and has 
reached the goal of providing the 
ordinary people with to the results of 
the satellite images usage, namely the 
products of LANDSAT TM 5 in the making of 
the satellite image charts as an essay to 
build an Atlas. 
The results obtained in this project had 
a great impact on the media and the 
Brazilian scientific community as well 
opening one more reference point 
concerning topical mapping. 
Popular reaction to the results surpassed 
any optimistic expectations. Their 
curiosity was aroused in a sort of awe as 
they noticed the image obtained through 
an artificial satellite. 
This experiment has already reached the 
fourth edition in a total of 3.500 
printed samples distributed. 
This satellite image chart has been 
widely used as support and reference for 
further work. 
The Satellite Image Chart Atlas to be 
done by an agreement with INPE should use 
automatized techniques in the generative 
process of adjusting the image to be the 
cartographic information. 
A two-dimensional seam-point searching 
software in digital image  mosaicking 
should be developed for image-mosaicking 
for different orbits. 
A method of automatic recording and 
direct photolithographing using PC-AT 
microcomputer should be developed in 
order to prevent possible distortions in 
the generation of the photoliths. 
This study was made possible by a joint 
study agreement between SEMA/ITCF, 
SEPL/IPARDES and SCT/INPE. The authors 
are grateful to Mr. Paulo R. Martini, Mr. 

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