Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Paulo R. M. Serra and Mr. Paulo C.G. 
Albuquerque of the INPE for their 
assistance with the Image Processing. 
The authors also thank Mr. Hideo Araki 
and Mrs. Andrea Iescheski of the 
University of Paraná for their analyzing 
algorithm points correction model and 
valuable criticism. Special 
acknowledgements to Mr. Reinhard Heissler 
of GTZ, Dr. Vitôrio Sorotiuk, Mr. David 
Baggio and Mr. Ivair Daros of ITCF, Dr. 
Mariano M. Macedo, Mr. Emilio C. 
Boschilia of IPARDES for very 
constructive comments and support. 
Antonio C. Buono, Ernesto P. Vieira, 
Paulo Rohrbach and Mariane L. Barberi 
who have drawn all graphics and maps. 
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1991. "Utilizacáo de Imagens SPOT para 
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Tommaselli, A.M. et all, 1988. -"Analise 
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