Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Table 1 Top Ten Professions for ASPRS Members 
(Source: ASPRS Membership Category Report, February, 1992)" 
Cartographer, Cartographic Technician and Draftsman 500 
Engineer (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, etc.), Surveyor 650 
Geographer, Geologist, Hydrologist 600 
Photogrammetrist, Photographer, Photo Interpreter, Pilot 900 
Remote Sensing Specialist, GIS/LIS Specialist 800 
Earth Scientist (Ecologist, Forester, Soil Scientist, etc.) 300 
Computer Scientist, Digital Data Analyst, Systems Analyst 100 
Scientist, Researcher, Consultant 450 
Graduate Student 400 
Other (Retired, Undesignated, Not Known) 4000 
* Numbers are rounded upwards or downwards to nearest 50. 

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