Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

3. Photogrammetric Record: Journal of the British 
Society of Photogrammetry; two issues per year. 
4. CISM Journal: Journal of the Canadian 
Institute of Surveying and Mapping; four issues 
per year. 
5. Australian Surveyor: Journal of the Australian 
Society of Surveyors; four issues per year. 
6. ITC Journal: Journal of the International 
Institute of Aerospace Survey and Earth 
Sciences (ITC); four issues per year. 
Certain other national journals in their 
respective languages deserve mentioning here, in 
particular, the Belgian, French, German, Russian 
and Swiss. 
B. Conference Proceedings: The following 
conference proceedings are regularly published: 
1. ISPRS Archives: During or following each ISPRS 
Congress (quadrennial) or each Inter-Congress 
ISPRS Commission Symposium. 
2. ASPRS Proceedings: During or following each 
ASPRS Convention (two per year, Annual and Fall 
There are also many national and 
international conferences 
proceedings from time to time. 
publishing their 
C. Books: Practically all text books and manuals 
in photogrammetry contain analytical concepts to a 
certain degree. However the following are so far 
the only books specifically devoted to analytical 
1. Merritt, Everett (1958): Analytical 
Photogrammetry; Pitman, N.Y. 
2. Ackermann, F. (19737: Numerische 
Photogrammetrie (Herbert Wichmann Verlag, 
Karlsruhe, Germany) 
3. Ghosh, Sanjib K. (1988) : Analytical 
Photogrammetry (2™ Ed.); Pergamon Press. 
Numerous books with significant contents in 
analytical approaches published in various world 
languages are appearing on the market. Related to Single Images 
The theory and mathematical model for central 
perspective projection being well established 
through the pioneering prior works of men like 
Pulfrich, von Gruber, or Finsterwalder, the basis 
of Collinearity Condition was already there. This 
condition implies that the object point, the 
perspective center (or the exposure station) and 
the image point must lie on the same straight 
line. However, in its application through the 
computational procedures there were two problems. 
Firstly, the condition equations are non-linear 
and, secondly, in usual cases more observations are 
made than the minimum necessary for unique 
solutions. Therefore, to obtain practical and 
statistically acceptable solutions, it was found 
appropriate and convenient (1) to use linearized 
forms of the equations, (2) assuming iterative 
approaches, to consider only the first order terms, 
and (3) to use the least squares approach to 
account for the redundant data. It was almost 
universally found convenient to use the "Taylor" 
expansion for such linearization instead of using 
Newton's first order approximation. By mid 1950s 
the use of the collinearity equations was deep- 
rooted, its form being different according to the 
specific application case. For example, the 
standard form, linearized, was found convenient for 
simple images consolidated into strip or block 
triangulation whereas its direction cosine form was 
found convenient for camera calibration (Brown 
Mathematical models for interior orientation 
parameters have been established (Brandenberger 
1948) as also those for camera calibration to 
include radial and tangential (decentering) lens 
distortions. The following general hypotheses of 
Conrady (1919) were accepted: 
(a) The objective (lens) axial ray 
undeviated through the lens; 
(b) The distortion can be represented by a 
continuous function; and 
(c) The sense of distortion should be positive for 
all image displacements in outward radial 
Tham (1946) established certain convincing ideas on 
lens distortion. Thereafter, through various 
research at numerous facilities the best accepted 
mathematical model to express a radial distortion 
is an odd order polynomial  typified in the 
publication of Brown (1956) and Washer (1941, 
With regard to the tangential distortion, Washer 
(1957) called it the Prism effect. Based on his 
concepts and the hypotheses of Conrady (1919), the 
mathematical model mostly accepted internationally 
was the one presented by Brown (1966). 
It was already known prior to World War II that the 
emulsion carrier (film or glass) is subjected to 
dimensional distortions, which are functions of the 
material, environment (like temperature, humidity 
or pressure), aging and treatment (like chemical 
processing or drying). While the effect could be 
checked against camera calibration data, its 
compensation in the analytical approach was found 
easily through a two-dimensional similarity 
transformation of the photo-coordinates. Differen- 
tial (systematic) distortion could be corrected by 
adapting affine (linear) transformation or by using 
projective equations. Simple equations were being 
innovated and programs were being developed to 
these effects in the 1950s. However, irregular 
distortions caused primarily by lack of film 
flatness or image motion continued to be causes of 
concern. The réseau (grid) photography developed 
in :the UK, first described in 1951 by H.A.L. 
Shewell at the Commonwealth Survey  Officers' 
Conference and published later (Shewell 1953), 
provided meaningful possibilities in this regard. 
Mathematical modelling of atmospheric refraction 
has always followed the ideas obtained from 
Geodesy. However, most modern concepts easily 
adaptable to analytical procedures were established 
by Leyonhufvud (1953). Following further research 
the most accepted mathematical model is an odd 
order polynomial with regard to the radial distance 
of a point on a vertical photo. The concept is 
based on the acceptance of a Standard Atmosphere. 
There being several well known standard atmospheres 
[like US Standard, Air force Rome Development 
Center (ARDC) and International Civil Aviation 
Organization (ICAO) Standards] controversy 
persists, although all these are practically 
the same up to about 20 km flying height. 
Satisfactory concepts in this respect with regard 
to oblique photography and satellite imageries are 
yet to be developed. 
The problem of Image Motion Compensation (IMC) 
remained unsolved until Kawachi (1965) derived the

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