Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

I. Official Languages of ISPRS 
English, French and German serving as three 
Guide Languages for interrelations between all 
LGs during dictionary work. These Glossaries 
should be available as soon as possible. 
II. Languages with their own independent produc- 
tion of a Glossary. 
III. Languages with direct translation from other 
2.3 Activities of Language Groups hitherto: 
Due to various circumstances and difficulties the 
work of the following LGs is progressing at very 
varying rates. From LGs not mentioned here no 
further information came to knowledge of WG VI-3 
since 1987 (Lindig, 1988) 
.1 Arabic: Saudi Arabia recently agreed to continue 
its activities by requesting a draft of the 
German Glossary. 
.2 Chinese: In 1986. WG  VI-3. received a copy 
"Deutsch-Chinesisches Worterbuch fir Vermes- 
sungswesen"  (German-Chinese Dictionary for 
Surveying) edited by Ji, Zenjue; Gao, Shilin and 
Hu, Mingcheng at Beijing 1985. It contains some 
30 000 German Entries in alphabetical order with 
Chinese Equivalents but without Index-Numbers 
(Par. 3.5), which are necessary prerequisites 
for the ISPRS-Dictionary. 
.3 English: It was a great handicap for the 
progress of the WG that since 1982 two Chief- 
Editors of the ELG gave up. In 1991 WG VI-3 was 
happy to welcome a new Chief-Editor, who starts 
the work by a personal visit in Frankfurt for 
oral introduction into the WG-work. He received 
English-Entry-Lists extracted from the draft of 
the German Glossary containing about 4100 
entries (marked with Subfield-Numbers). 
.4 French: In 1990 FLG reported the completion of 
its Glossary with 2700 Entries including Defini- 
tions,  Cross-References, Index-Numbers and 
English Equivalents. It is not known, after a 
negative correspondence about financial support 
by ISPRS, whether its publication meanwhile has 
been done . 
.5 German: The German Glossary is completed now 
with about 4150 Entries including Definitions, 
Cross-References,  Index-Numbers as well as 
English and French preliminary Equivalents. It 
will be published in 1992 by governmental 
support. (Par. 4) 
.6 Greek: In 1989 GLG got a new Chief-Editor who 
asked for the German Glossary after its com- 
.7 Japanese: In 1990 JLG reported about the publi- 
cation of the following relevant dictionaries 
with English Equivalents: 
a) Remote Sensing Dictionary 
by Japan Association of Remote Sensing, 1989 
b) Surveying Dictionary 
by Japan Federation of Surveyors, 1990 
c) Dictionary of Civil Engineering 
by Japan Society of Civil Engineering 
d) Dictionary of Cartography. 
by Japan Society of Cartography. 
It is not known which of them has usable Index- 
Numbers (Par. 3.5) for incorporation into the 
.8 Portuguese: Since two years a discussion is 
going on about new members and a Chief-Editor 
in the PLG. Apart from a demand for the German 
Glossary no other information was received. 
.9 Russian: Although RLG gave no further infor- 
mation, the publication of the Russian 
"Glossary of Terms on Earth Remote Sensing" by 
Dr. Sipos Sandor, Budapest 1985 was received. 
It has 900 Entries with Russian Definitions and 
Equivalents in English, Bulgarian, Hungarian, 
German, Polish, French and Czech. 
.10 Spanish: With regret WG VI-3 got knowledge that 
one of the Chief-Editors passed away. Neverthe- 
less the work is going on resulting 1990 in a 
draft of a Glossary with 1500 Entries. 
.11 Bengali: The activities of the BelG culminated 
in 1991 to the publication of the "Multilingual 
Dictionary of Remote Sensing and Photogram- 
metry" by G.B. Das, Geographical Society of 
India, Calcutta 700 019. It is the translation 
of. the. 1716 Entries: .of. ASP-Dictionary 
(Rabchevsky, 1984) to Bengali in English alpha- 
betical order including French Equivalents. It 
can be regarded as an encouraging beginning. 
But Index-Numbers have no steps of 10 (Par. 
3.5) for extensions and an alphabetical list of 
Bengali-Entries is still missing. 
.12 Turkish: In 1990 TrLG reported the availability 
of 1000 Entries without giving further expla- 
.13 Polish: Good progress is reported from the 
PILG, which has published in 1988 "Slownik 
terminologiczny z  zakresu  fotogrametrii 
teledeeteheji (Five Lingual Dictionary of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing)" by Z. 
Sitek, Wydawnictwo, Krakow with 2053 Entries 
and English, French, German and Russian Equiva- 
lents. It fulfills largely the conditions of 
the ISPRS-Dictionary having Index-Numbers in 
steps of 10 and alphabetical Entry-Lists for 
each language. 
In the former papers (Lindig, 1982, 84 and 88) 10 
Fundamental Principles were postulated as guide- 
lines for the WG activities. But according to 
recent experiences and reactions from WG-members, 
it seems to be important to mention that all in- 
dividual activities and publications which have 
Index-Numbers in steps of 10 as a Minimum-Condition 
(Par. 3.5) are welcome as a valuable contribution 
to the ISPRS-Dictionary. 
Nevertheless the WG would appreciate if the guide- 
lines are largely fulfilled. Therefore it seems 
useful to repeat them in final version. 
3.1 Entire technical field 
On the one hand, all terms used in theory and 
practice of the whole field of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing including its geodetic applications, 
e.g. cadastre, architecture, etc. with relevant 
surveying of ground control must be compiled. On 
the other hand the range of work has to be limited, 
in order to avoid boundless growth to some of the 
main terms of  nongeodetic applications, e.g. 
geology etc. 
In order to split the work within a LG for the 

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