Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

As stated earlier the system has two major compo- 
nents viz NRDIS and LIRS for maintaining  informa- 
tion regarding dara products and literature  respec- 
tively. Each component has again been subdivided 
into modules. Schema of the system is reffered to in 
fig. l 
NRDIS has four modules to update following data- 
a) Aerial Photo database 
b) Imagery database 
c) Topsheet database 
d) Digital products database 
LIRS has five modules to update following databases 
a) Books database 
b) Reports database 
c) Periodicals database 
d) Proceedings database 
e) Reprint of Papers database 
Each module is provideed with four functions to 
update and retrive data stored in the databases. The 
functions are 
a) Append - Add new records to the database 
b) Change - Edit/Modify data stored in the 
c) Delete - Delete records from the database 
d) Browse  - View / Print data from the 
Specimens of the Screens used for these modules are 
attached alongwith in following pages. 
3.1 Natural Resources Data Information System 
As stated above this component updates four data- 
bases. The structures of these databases are de- 
scribed in Table l, Proper care has been taken to 
lable the fields so that the field names are self 
3.2 Literature Information Retrieval System (LIRS) 
Literature has been classified in to five classes 
and data pertaing to each class,as described earlier 
is stored in to seperate databases. Structures of 
these databases are described in Table 2. 
Screen 0.0 This is the opening screen of the system. 
Screen 1.0 This screen lets user select the Component. 
Screen 20 This screen Displays Main Menu of the 
NRDIS component. 
Screen 2.1 This screen displays menu of functions 
for updating a selected database and is same for all 
Screen 2.2 This screen is used to Append/Edit/Delete 
records in Aerial Photo database. 
screen 2.3 This screen is used to generate a 
query on data present in Aerial Photo database. 
Screen 2.4 This screen is used to Append/Edit/Delete 
records in Image database. 
screen 25 This screen is used to 
query on data present in Image database. 
generate a 
Screen 2.6 This screen is used to Append/Edit/Delete 
records in  Toposheet database. 
screen 2.7 This screen is used to generate a 
query on data present in Toposheet database. 
Screen 2.8 This screen is used to Append/Edit/Delete 
records in Digital Products database. 
screen 29 This screen is used to generate a 
query on data present in Digital products database. 
Screen 3.0 This screen Displays Main Menu of the 
LIRS component. 
Screen 3.1 This screen displays menu of functions 
for updating a selected database and is same for all 
Screen 3.2 This screen is used to  Append/Edit/Delete 
records in Book database. 
screen 3,3 This screen is used to generate a 
query on data present in Book Photo database. 
Screen 3.4 This screen is used to  Append/Edit/Delete 
records in Report database. 
screen 35 This screen is used to generate a 
query on data present in Report database. 
Screen 3.6 This screen is used to  Append/Edit/Delete 
records in Journals database. 
screen 3.7 This screen is used to generate a 
query on data present in Journals database. 
Screen 3.8 This screen is used to Append/Edit/Delete 
records in Proceedings database. 
screen 3.9 This screen is used to generate a 
query on data present in Proceedings database. 

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