Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Aerial Photo Image Toposheet Digital Products 
t ES 
Books Reports Journals Proceedings Reprints 
Fig.l - Schema of the System 
1 Welcome To ]———— ———————— mm — 
Data Products Module ( NRDIS ) 
PC Based Information Management System Literature Module (LIRS) 
For Remote Sensing Literature and Data 
Developed by 
L.S.Joshi & Vasudha Satalkar 
C.S.R.E , I.I.T , BOMBAY 400 076 
—— Pr@ 88 any key to continue ] 
———3À Screen 1.0 
Screen 0.0 
! NRDIS |} { NRDIS } 
Main Manu 
Aerial Photo Database 
Aerial Photo Data 
Imagery Data 
Toposheet Data 
Digital Products Data 
Screen 2.0 Screen 2.1 
{ NRDIS } 
{ NRDIS | : 
File: Aerial Photo Database Mode: Add 
File: Aerial Photo Database Mode: Browse 
Task no Run Date { Select a Field |——— — ——1— — — ——— Operators | 
i Task No Run Equal to 
Latitude Longitude Date Latitude Not fun) £9 
Longitud. T Greater Than 
Tree Scale Total v Scale . Total Greater Than Equal to 
States Districte Less Than 
States Towas Rivers Less Than Equal to 
Owner Issued To Contains 
Districts ic tors } 
Owner Issued to Screen 2 . 3 
Screen 2.2 
File: Image Database Mode: Add Pile: Image Database Mode: Browse 
Satellite Path/Row | Select a Pield | { Operators |} 
Sensor Product Type Equal To 
i Satellite Path/Row Sensor Not Equal To 
Date Tine Type Date Time Greater Than 
Bands Scale Sun Elev Greater Than Equal To 
Scale Bands Sun Azu Latitude Longitude Less Than 
8 1 : x State Districts Towns Less Than Equal To 
un Elevation Sun Azumith Rivers Owner Issued To Contains 
Latitude Longitude te tors | 
State ‚AND, OR. 
Districts ‘ 
Owner Issued To Screen 2.5 
Screen 2.4 

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