Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Education Based on Computer operation 
for Remote Sensing and GIS Beginners’ Training 
Mitsunori YOSHIMURA 
Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan 
7-15-17, Roppongi, 
Minato-ku, Tokyo 106 
Taichi OSHIMA 
Faculty of Engineering, Hosei University 
3-7-2, Kajino-cho, 
Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184 
Commission VI 
This paper describes on a development of personal computer assisted 
educational system for fundamentals of remote sensing and GIS. This system 
consists of NEC PC9801 series personal computer and its peripheral equip- 
ments. Main functions of it are classified to GIS data collection, compila- 
tion, image data processing and investigation of regional characteristics 
using processed remote sensing and GIS data. All kinds of functions should 
be done by an interactive computer operation. The authors' research group 
had been used this system as a teaching material of some beginners' train- 
ing course in several seminars. 
Through this kind of training, 
beginners can learn what remote sensing 
is, what raster GIS is. The change detection and combined analysis with 
remote sensing and GIS data can be carried out as its typical applications. 
Key Words: Education, Fundamentals, 
Change Detection 
1. Introduction 
In recent years the progress of 
computer technology is remarkable. Accord- 
ing its progress, particularly personal 
computer system has become common in our 
daily life. This popularization of person- 
al computer is mainly caused by reduction 
of system purchase cost and its easy 
operation. Actually many modern children 
have some computer games as we call them 
fami-com (family computer such as Ninten- 
do) in their house and usually enjoyed 
From the mentioned background, the 
authors' researeh group has developed 
educational system for remote sensing and 
GIS using personal computer system and its 
peripheral equipments.The basic concepts 
of system design are understandable and 
easy operation because it's educational 
tool for beginners' training. 
The training by this system is clas- 
sified to two main parts. One is fundamen- 
tals and other is applications. The funda- 
mentals are the introduction to remote 
sensing and GIS. Also the applications are 
mainly analysis by themselves, 
2. System Configuration 
2.1 Hardware Configuration 
NEC PC9801 series of 16 bit personal 
computer system was used as a main frame, 
digitizer and frame memory were also used 
as its peripheral equipments. Hardware 
configuration is shown in Fig.1. 
Remote Sensing, GIS,NVI, 
Printer r7 
Frame Memory 
Floppy NEC PC9801 
— 16 Bit —1 Digitizer 
Disk Drive Personal Computer 
Key Board 
Fig.l Hardware Configuration 
2.2 Software Configuration 
In this educational system, several 
kinds of functions are prepared for under- 
standing remote sensing and GIS. Every 
function is made by some programs. Soft- 
ware configuration is shown in Fig.2. 
Right part of this figure corresponds to 
one program unit. Every program is made by 
BASIC and machine language. All programs 
as well as the function are controlled by 
menu-program. Therefore trainee can select 
optionally the function program from 
menu-program in response to the necessity. 

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