Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

r— Data 
— Digital Image 
Collection E By Digitizer 
Key Board Input 
Plane Information 
— Data Compilation + Point Information 
Line Information 
Digital Image Display 
Calculation Normalized Vegetation Index 
Histogram Measurement 
Processing — Density Slicing Processing 
—1 — Binary Image Production 
— Landcover Change Detection Using Binary Image 
Display [Display Statistical Information 
— Image and —j]— Display Raster Data 
Statistical — Display DIgital Image Data 
Information '— Display Stored Image 
— Town Evaluation by Statistical Data 
Evaluation for — Masking Operation and Result Summation 
LE Regional ——]- Overlay Processing 
Characteristics — Integrated Result Summation 
Fig.2 Software Configuration 
3. Fundamental Training 
3.1 Basic Principles of remote sensing 
The meaning of "Remote Sensing" is to 
observe and measure various kinds of earth 
surface informations. Every substance on 
the earth has its own characteristics of 
reflection and absorption in different 
wavelength of radio wave. Applying this 
principle, detailed surface conditions can 
be assumed by measuring reflected and 
radiated intensity from each substance in 
some wavelength. These techniques are 
basic principles of remote sensing. 
Through the training of digital image 
processing, trainees can understand digi- 
tal image data structure, what meaning. 
multispectral data is, basic technique of 
digital image processing and what kinds of 
informations are obtained from remote 
sensing data. 
(a) Digital Image Data 
Typical remote sensing data such as 
Landsat MSS, TM, SPOT is stored in some 
secondary memory device. 
RESTEC has been distributing these 
kinds of remote sensing digital image data 
by computer compatible tape (CCT) and 
floppy disk. BIL and BSQ format are adopt- 
ed for data storing. Therefore the data 
Table 1 Format of IBM Type Floppy Disk 
Items Contents 
Recording Form Two-sided, 
Double density 
Memory Capacity 1 M Byte 
Cylinder No. 77 Cyliners 
Track No. 154 tracks 
(2 tracks/cylinder) 
26 sectors/track 
256 byte/sector 
Sector No. 
Sector Length 
Data Format of Satellite Data 
Floppy Disk 
Table 2 
Logical Format File Constitution 
BIL Header 
( 1 file.) 512byte| 512p X 4001 X 4B 
BSQ Header 
( 4 files ) |512byte| 512p X 4001 X IB 
format in floppy disk has also 
decided.The disk format and data constitu- 
tion for floppy disk are shown in Table 1 
and 2 respectively. 
(b) Multi-Spectral Data 
Remote sensing can observe the var- 
ious earth surface informations in the 
different wavelength (i.e. spectral band) 
such as visible and near infrared region. 
Most of remote sensing sensors have sever- 
al observation instruments. For instance 
Landsat TM has a scanning optical- 
mechanical sensor system that observes 
visible, reflective-infrared, middle- 
infrared, and thermal-infrared regions of 
spectral wavelength. Collecting digital 
image data that consists of several kinds 
of speetral informations is so called 
multi-spectral data. 
(c) Initial Statistics Extraction 
Single band data of remote sensing is 
expressed by brightness value with the 
location, composed of rows and columns. 
Generally the brightness value will range 
from 0 to 255 (-28). It is called 8 bit 
The histogram measurement function is 
necessary for an analyst to understand the 
actual digital image data distribution. In 
this training, trainees can recognize what 
meaning of 8 bit image data is by display- 
ing the result of single band histogram 
(d) Band ratio 
Typical characteristics of spectral 
reflectance for healthy, dead vegetation 
and dry soil are shown in Fig.3. Healthy 
vegetation generally reflects from 40 to 
50% of incident near-infrared energy, with 
chlorophyll in it absorbs about 80 to 90% 
of incident of visible region. Dead vege- 
tation has higher reflectance than healthy 
vegetation in visible spectrum and has 
lower reflectance in reflected-infrared 
From mentioned basic principle, the 
difference and ratio of brightness values 
between visible and near infrared band 
suppose to be effective for the vegetation 
monitoring. The red/infrared ratio data 

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