Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Professor and Head of Photogrammetric Departments at: 
1) University of Mining & Metallurgy 
2) Agriculture University, Cracow, Poland 
Co-Chairman of W.G.VI/1 
Chairman of the Editorial Board for Volume III of the "History..." 
Report presents the development of the works on a text of handbook HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY,with refererr- 
ce to the first works in 1976.Include the editorial guidelines for Volume III and state of the Volume III. 
KEYWORDS: History, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Education 
1. Introductory Remarks 
Over fifteen years ago it was my idea to 
initiate publishing a review on the historic 
development covering various branches of photo 
grammetry and remote sensing. I have invited Dr 
T.J.Blachut - Chief of Photogrammetric Section of 
the National Research Council of Canada to create 
the Working Group VI-2  "Photogrammetry in its 
Historical Context". The main aim of that W.G. 
has been to prepare a text on "History of  Photo- 
grammetry'", which should record in a continuous 
and chronological way the history of the disci- 
The following colleagues were the initial 
members of W.G.VI-2: K.B.R. Burkhardt, 
F.L.J.H.Corten, [B.Dubuisson,] F.J.Doyle,C.E.Olson, 
K.Rinner, L.Solaini, G.K.Schut, J.Cruset — former 
President ISP and Z.Sitek — former President of 
Commission VI, who originated the project. 
In the 1977 the following program was accep- 
ted by former W.G.VI-2 (chapters of the book): 
The Early Days of Photogrammetry, 
Analogue Methods and Instruments, 
Satellite Photogrammetry, 
Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing, 
Aerial Photography, Airborne Aides and Naviga- 
tional Procedures, 
Analytical Methods and Instruments, 
Non-Cartographic Photogrammetry, 
Significance and Future Role of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing, 
9. Synoptic Tables Correlating Various Events. 
Till now only two chapters has been  comple- 
ted: the first — by Dr T.J.Blachut and the second 
— by Prof.Dr K.B.E. Burkhardt. 
These chapters were edited as a Volume I, under 
the common title "Historical Development of 
ad WON 
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Photogrammetric Methods and Instruments" and 
published in six languages (Chinese, Spanish, 
German, Japanese, English, Polish) during the 
period of 1988-89. In 1991 also the Greek edition 
(probably) has been finished. However French 
version of the Volume I was shortened about 50% 
and published by French Society of Photogrammetry 
in Bulletin de la Societe  Fran;aise de 
Photogrammé trie — but without permission of the 
In 1984 as well as in 1988 the chairmanship 
of W.G.VI - "History" has been taken over by 
Dr.F.J.Doyle, who was responsible for the publi- 
cation of Volume II. This Volume should consist 
of chapter 3: Satellite Photogrammetry and  chap- 
ter 4: Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing. 
In December 1988 I was invited by Prof. 
J.Badekas to cooperate with W.G.VI-1 as a Co- 
Chairman — responsible for Volume III. 
The following colleagues were asked by me 
for collaboration: 
T.J.Blachut — as a founder and Chairman of Edito- 
rial Board in 1976 and as a advisor of Editorial 
Board for Volume III, 
S.K.Ghosh - the virtual author of 
Analytical Methods and Instruments, 
chapter 6: 
E.Klipelà - virtual author of chapter 5: Aerial 
Photography, Airborne Aides and Navigational 
G.Konecny — virtual author of chapter 8: Signifi- 
cance and Future Role of Photogrammetry and Remo- 
te Sensing, 
K.Torlegard — virtual author of chapter 7: 
Cartographic Photogrammetry. 
Prof .K.Torlegard was not able to cooperate 
on the project because of this general responsi- 
bility for ISPRS and other duties. 
Prof .G.Konecny has suggested that the  chap- 
ter 8 has no place in the textbook of history. I 
agree with him and we should not include it into 
Volume III. 
2. Editorial Guidelines for Volume III. 
During the period 1976-1978 Editorial Board 
— after several meetings — set up the editorial 
guidelines for the book: History of  Photogramme- 
try. Having in mind that Volume I has been com— 
pleted and issued basing on this guidelines, 
therefore the same procedure was applied to 
Volume III: 
— the book should be useful as a general textbook 
on Photogrammetry which records a continuous 
history of the discipline, 
— the text should be presented in a chronological 
order covering in each chapter the most  impor- 
tant photogrammetric events, method and instru- 
ments from the inception of  Photogrammetry 
until 1992. It is obvious that the authors of 
each Chapter should not repeat the information 
which are presented in the Volume I — prepared 
by Dr.Blachut and Prof.Burkhardt, 
— the text must be sufficiently technical and 
should be accompanied by pertinent formulae and 

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