Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

-the text must be completed by list of relevant 
references. Publications to which reference is 
made in the text will be listed after each 
chapter as "References". Sequence of listing 
(and numbering) is determined by the sequence of 
reference in the text. Only most important refe- 
rences should be used. 
Other publications to which no references has 
been made in text, but suggested by the authors 
as good source of information will be listed 
chronologically after "References" under the 
heading "Additional Readings". It is important 
that the number of positions in both categories 
of references is limited to a meaningful minimum. 
Otherwise, we could easily end up with thousands 
Of positions, 
—the texts should be presented on a standard size 
paper (A—4 = 210x297mm or next to it in USA and 
Canada) typed double spaced. 
-all figures should be built into the text at 
least in a conceptual form to eliminate any con- 
fusion. They should be accompanied by the Figure 
number consisting of the Chapter number and the 
consecutive numbers of the Figure (e.g. Chapter 
6: Fig.6-15). 
Original line drawn figures should be drawn each 
on a separate sheet of paper at scale 2:1 and in 
geometrically correct form so that they could be 
copied by a draftsman to secure their uniform 
character. Photographic figures suitable for 
reproduction should be delivered in their origi- 
nal form. The same consecutive numbering for 
drawn and photographic figures is obliged. The 
list containing the number and title of figures 
must be delivered for each chapter. 
3. State of Volume III 
Above mentioned guidelines and invitation for 
collaboration I sent to the many of our distin- 
guish colleagues. 
I sent invitation to Mr.F.L.J.H.Corten (the 
Netherlands) and asked him to complete chapter 5. 
As I have learned the first part of the Chapter 
was already written in 1982 by him. 
I invited also Dr V.Kratky to take the respon- 
sibility for Chapter 7. After when he resigned I 
invited Mr Carbonnell during Cracow ICAP Symposium 
(1990) and lately (1991) Mr.K.Attkinson. Both of 
them do not intend to participate in the project. 
The Chapter 9 "Synoptic Tables Correlating 
Various Events" will be prepared by myself but 
after completing all 7 chapters. 
I also asked President of Commission VI and 
all colleagues who have been invited to collabora— 
tion — to indicate the persons who could prepared 
chapters 5 and 7. But unfortunately I did not get 
any suggestions. 
Prof.S.K.Ghosh have accepted the task to take 
care of the chapter 6.Professor completed his work. 
The chapter contain 51 pages (typescript co- 
pies) of text, 19 pages of references and 12 figu- 
res. The composition of Volume III as a whole is 
not completed, therefore - for benefit of the mem- 
bers of our Society-the chapter 6 should be publi- 
shed in ISPRS Commission VI Archives on Photogram- 
metry & Remote Sensing (Vol.XXIX,Washington 1992). 
In the future — when chapters 5, 7 and 9 will 
be completed,work of Prof.S.K.Ghosh will make part 

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