Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

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concluded the negotiation of a new contract with 
Elsevier Science Publishers and from the First 
issue in Volume 48, starting in 1993, there will be 
several changes. 
3.1 Format 
In line with current trends in Journal 
publishing,  ISPRS Journal will be published in A4 
format, with double columns for 
scientific/technical papers, reports and reviews 
and triple columns for other material. Papers will 
normally be submitted on paper and on floppy disk. 
3.2 Expanded News Section 
The News: Section will be expanded 
considerably, to include more detailed information 
on ISPRS activities. News from Council, Commission 
Presidents and Working Group Chairmen, 
announcements of ISPRS publications, information on 
ISPRS involvement with Sister Societies and 
important press releases from Sustaining Members 
will now be included, in addition to the regular 
announcement of meetings and the Calendar of 
Events. In this new form, the News Section of the 
Journal will serve as a Newsletter for the Society. 
As it will be published six times a year, with a 
lead time of no more than eight weeks, the 
information should be timely. It is hoped that 
this service to members will encourage involvement 
in ISPRS affairs and will lead to a wider knowledge 
and appreciation of the work carried out by . ISPRS 
and its Commissions between Congresses. 
3.3 Scientific/technical papers 
The Editors will actively seek papers which 
reflect the current research and applications being 
developed by ISPRS Commissions. This policy will 
not preclude other contributions, which will always 
be encouraged and welcomed, but is designed to 
allow the official Journal of ISPRS to display more 
comprehensively to the outside world the high 
quality work which members of the Society carry 
out, under the auspices of the Society and its 
Commissions. : 
3.4 Subscription Rates 
The level of subscription for the Journal is 
set by the publisher, not by the Society. However, 
the subscription rate in recent years has been 
quite competitive when compared to other similar 
scientific journals. A personal subscription rate, 
for individual members of national societies 
belonging to ISPRS, will be continued at an even 
greater discount, which will benefit those 
individuals wishing to acquire a personal copy of 
the Journal, especially in countries where foreign 
currency is difficult to obtain. 
It is hoped that these four actions, taken 
jointly by the Publishers, Council and. the 
Editorial Team, will benefit the subscriber, the 
Society and the wider photogrammetric and remote 
sensing community: 
For some years now, the main subscriber base 
for the ISPRS Journal has lain in academic and 
scientific libraries. The copies in such libraries 
are available to a great many readers, are looked 
after by library staff and individual copies are 
usually bound, giving them a long life. It is to 
be hoped that in these days of library cuts these 
subscriptions will continue and expand and 
individual library users can apply pressure to 
ensure this. 
The number of personal subscribers has always 
been low, for a variety of reasons, not all of them 
valid. With the changes proposed for 1993, there 
is no better time to consider starting a personal 
subscription to the Official Journal of the 
In addition to the technical papers, the 
Review, Report and News Sections will keep you 
abreast of the activities of the Society in a way 
which has not been possible until now. 
There should be a partnership between the 
Official Journal .of the Society, its member 
societies and the individuals who make up that 
membership. The Publishers, the Council and the 
Editorial Team have attempted to put in place the 
conditions to foster such a partership. We now 
invite you to play your part in helping the Journal 
develop and encourage you to benefit from the 
Services which the Journal can provide for you. 
Hothmer, J., 1985. Editorial Policy of the Official 
Journal of ISPRS. Photogrammetria, 40 (1985) :3-7.

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