Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

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Table 1 List of ACRS's 
City,Country Date 
1st Bangkok, Thailand 1980 
2nd Beijing,China 1981 
3rd Dhaka,Bangladesh 1982 
4th Colombo,Sri Lanka 1983 
5th Kathmandu,Nepal 1984 
6th Hyderbad, India 1985 
7th Seoul,Korea 1986 
8th Jakarta, Indonesia 1987 
9th Bangkok, Thailand 1988 
10th Kualalumpur,Malaysia 1989 
11th Guangzhou, China 1990 
12th Singapore 1991 
13th Ulanbaatar,Mongolia 1992 
Table 1 shows the Asian Conferences on Remote 
Sensing organized by AARS with respect to date, 
venue, number of participants and presented papers. 
The influences of ACRS are as follows. 
(1) ACRS offers a good chance for Asian scientists 
to communicate frankly through ACRS and its 
cultural program, which encourages personal 
contact and regional cooperation. 
(2) ACRS offers an opportunity for Asian scientists 
to present technical papers, which stimulates them 
to improve the quality of research and 
presentation technique and to exchange technical 
(3) ACRS offers a field for Asian scientists to think 
of Asian unique problems including deforestation, 
desertification, disaster monitoring, sustainable 
development, human impacts etc. 
(4) ACRS offers a place for Asian scientists to 
cowork for common interest, for example 
publication of the book on " Applications of 
Remote Sensing in Asia and Oceania " that has 
been published in October, 1991. 
As it is impossible for the author to review all 
symposia which were held in Asia, the author will 
make comments only to those major symposia in 
which the author participated in these four years. 
.11/5-7 12 159 42 
.10/29-11/4 16 167 95 
.12/4—7 17 169 60 
.11/10-15 20 187 83 
.11/15-18 15 171 49 
.11/21-26 12 342 109 
.10/23-28 17 136 62 
.11/23-29 21 226 125 
.11/23-29 30 478 113 
.11/23-29 30 441 87 
.11/15-21 22 513 162 
.10/30-11/5 28 225 94 
14th Tehran, Iran 1993. 
(1) The 16th ISPRS Congress, Kyoto, Japan, 
July 1988 
The Congress has been held in Asia for the first 
time with a big impact on Asian scientists to have 
communicated with the most advanced researchers 
and academicians as well as to have had opportunities 
of highly advanced exhibits. The author as the 
Congress Director is still now proud of the success 
of the Congress. In conjunction with ISPRS, 
Mongolia, Nepal and Vietnam joined ISPRS 
membership through AARS activities. It would be a 
good example of contribution of the regional 
member's activity to ISPRS. 
(2) IAF Congress, Bangalore, India, October 
The author was invited as one of four key note 
lecturers at the opening session as well as the 
Chairman of the session on the International Remote 
Sensing Coordination Activities representing ISPRS 
too. It was nice to have met key scientists in remote 
sensing and/or global change monitoring who used to 
be not much involved in ISPRS activity for example, 
Prof. U.R.Rao, Director of ISRO, India, Dr. I. 
Rasool, NASA, USA and Dr. F.B.Henderson III, 
Geosat Committee, USA. 
Frankly speaking the sessions and the papers on 
remote sensing presented at IAF Congress are not 
very much active nor interesting. However personal 
channels should be kept for future cooperation with 

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