Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

The Wuhan Technical University of Survey and 
Mapping (WTUSM) has demonstrated the 
participants its high academic standard of education 
and research in photogrammetry and remote sensing. 
It should be noted that Professor Wang Zhizhuo was 
celebrated his completion of publishing a wonderful 
book on "Principles of Photogrammetry" (English 
version) during the symposium. 
(9) The 11th ACRS, Guangzhou, 
November 1990 
The conference was the biggest in the number of 
participants (513 participants) from 22 countries and 
the number of papers (162 papers). As Guangzhou 
used to be somewhat home town of Chinese who are 
living in South East Asia and is the best place to eat, 
the conference was somehow exciting and enjoyable. 
The Zhongshan University hosted the conference 
very well including dinner party on a boat, sport 
matches by the participants and bus tour to 
Zhaoging, through which individual communication 
was developed with friendship. 
(10) Symposium on Joint Research, Bangkok, 
Thailand, February 1991 
The symposium was co-organized by Science and 
Technology Agency (STA), Japan and NRC, 
Thailand for the joint research projects on the 
enhancement and applications of remote sensing 
technology between ASEAN countries and Japan. It 
was a Japanese contribution to ASEAN countries to 
promote researches in remote sensing on joint base. 
Though the researches were not well defined, 
communications between ASEAN countries and 
Japan were promoted in personal exchange and 
technical transfer. 
(11) The 12th  ACRS, 
Because the governmental subsidise could not be 
available in Singapore, all expenditures were paid 
from the incomes of registration, commercial 
exhibits and contribution. It was the first ACRS that 
has been supported by herself. The number of 
participants was not many as the last two conferences 
that is, 225 participants from 28 countries because of 
less number from Singapore. This symposium was a 
kind of symbol that many industries and remote 
sensing organizations tried to continue the 
symposium in a way of Asian tradition as the past 
ACRS's were, by paying money in various ways. 
(12) IGU Seminar, Delhi, India, December 
The University of Delhi hosted the IGU seminar 
with a focus on global environmental map and 
mountain hazard particularly of the Himalaya. It was 
interesting to have met some key members of IGU 
workshop on Global Environmental Map, for 
example, Prof. Nikita F. Glazovsky, Deputy Minister 
of Ecology and Natural Resources, (USSR at the 
time), Prof. Roger E. Kasperson, Clark University, 
USA, Dr. Alexandar Drozdov, Institute of 
Geography, (USSR), Prof. John B. Thones, Univ. of 
London, U.K. and Prof. R.B. Singh, Univ. of Delhi, 
The crisis of the Himalaya with deforestation, over 
population, highland development and land slides 
was realized by the participants through the five day 
field trip to the Himalaya. 
Asia is said to be the most prosperous region in 
economy and technology for the 21st century as well 
as the most serious region in the human pressures 
due to the population explosion. In this sense, topics 
and subjects in remote sensing and GIS in relation 
with Asian region would be good targets in research 
and application. 
Though the bi-lateral relation between Asian 
countries and Western countries used to be strong in 
education, training and/or technical transfer, the 
. research is not yet well promoted with less budget, 
less researcher and less supervisor. The author thinks 
that the promotion of research in Asia is a key goal 
for the 21st century. 
The author also hopes that Asian countries such as 
India, China, Japan, Thailand etc. should contribute 
to ISPRS activities, just like to AARS activities.

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