Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Daniel T.N.Liao, Jen-hsing Hsien and Yen-shou Kuo : 
Chinese Taipei Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
Commission VI 
In the Republic of China on Taiwan, photogrammetry is videly applied to topographic mapping, land use 
classification, water and soil conservation, and civil engineering projects; while remote sensing technia- 
ues are used for weather forcasting, damage investigation, natural resources monitoring, and agriculture 
and forest inventories. The equipment and techniques of digital mapping are increased and improved to 
provide data for the geographic information system (GIS) which consists of nine data bases, nanely: 
natural environment, natural resources and ecology, environmental quality, social and economic, fraffic 
network,land,regional and urban planning, public pipe line and topographic map date bases. The islandwide 
digital elevation model has been scanned with 40x40 m intervals. Photogrammetry and remote sensing courses 
are taught in the departments of survey engineering at the Chungcheng Institute of Technology and the 
Chengkung University, and also taught in departments of geography, geology, forestry and civil engineering 
at other universities and colleges. 
1. INTRODUCTION Gi pue S carried Pur by su ASIE 
° : $ thod. Now a field test is being performed over an 
In recent years, the surveying and mapping organiz ne , : 1 
ations, both official and commercial, have made area of 1.56 Kw, 5730 parcels in southern Taiwan 
great efforts to procure new photogrammetric and by using a mixed photogrammetric-ground survey met- 
S mole sensing equipment and improve mapping and m xi te result of the ios indicates e the 
sensing techniques in order to meet the requiremen- cadastral map accuracy standards can be met Dy UNIS 
ts of national economic development. As a result, method, then the combination of modern photogramme- 
tric and ground survey method can be adopted to 
great achievements have been made in the design and 
construction of highways and railways, urban devel- speed up the rural cadastral mapping in Taiwan. 
opment, land use, d COE eee AS a 2.1.5 ; : : er 
forest inventory, and geology investigation, In the ENT S > 
futuresthe application of photogrammetry and remote Oe ST = a eve lorment 
sensing for cadastral survey, pollution measurement p ie d ben Pp E qn thos S J 
d monitoring, and the establishment of GIS data jn plomnine an signing the Second North-Sout 
m Roni b , ted’t k n ereaterscontrib- Freeway, New Cross Island Highway, High Speed Rai- 
ages em e nal e 1 oO mn S ORE ECT lway and Nankang-Ilan Freeway are all produced by 
utions to the national econo . serial photogragmetry. 
2.1 Topographic Mapping at All Scales 
Close-range photogrammetry was used to measure the 
2.1.1 Revision t 0 : ; ; 
Orthophoto base maps of Taiwan were produced at the deformation of dams and bridges. This method has 
scale of 1:5000 for low land regions and 1:10000 proven to be practical and successful. 
or mountainous regions, numbering map sheets 
in total, including 3209 sheets on 1:5000 scale and 3. DEVELOPMENT OF REMOTE SENSING 
564 sheets on 1:10000 scale. Due to rapid changes 3.1. Weather Forcasting 
in ground features, the maps must be revised from s 
time to time. During 1958-91, 1200 sheets were rev- Remote sensing of the atmosphere from satellites is 
ised vith the aid of new photographs. ne and EN In Taiwan, image data from 
a : .9. polar-orbiting. satellite-TIROS-N and Japans' 
2.1.2 Production of 1:1000 Photo Maps of the geostationery satellite-GMS are collected and proc- 
Bt An orthophoto map _produc- essed by a Digital Color Image Processing System. 
tion project for the coastal zones of Taiwan was ; pe : 
initiated in 1986. The scale of the maps is 1:1000. All the information about the position, size and 
Contour intervals are one meter for the maps cover- intensity of typhoon or storm can be obtained, and 
ing flat areas, while two meters for those of hilly early forecasting can be made possible. 
areas. Among the total 3225 map sheets, 2025 sheets Ee 
were produced during the years 1988-90. 3.2 Damage Investigation 
2.1.3 Revision of the Existing Medium Scale Whenever a natural disaster occurred, the affected 
Topographic Maps The existing medium scale topogr- area was imaged with an airborne multispectral sca- 
aphic maps (line maps) were revised from the publ- nner to estimate the extent and degree of damage. 
ished photo base maps. The progress of the revision Indemnity was paid and remedial measures taken 
is as fouows: accordingly. 
+ 1:25,000 topographic map, 261 sheets, of the tot- 3.3 Forest Land Cover Classification 
al, 148 sheets were revised in 1985-87,113 sheets ë 
in 1988 and 20. The DS-1260 11-Channel Airborne Multispectral Scan- 
ner vas used to collect data. Processing of the MSS 
+ 1:50,000 Topographic map, 79 sheets, all were re- data was performed through the use of the Interact- 
vised in 1900 and 9]. ive Digital Image Manipulation System (IDIMS). For- 
: est cover types were interpreted with a hybrid sup- 
2.1.4 Cadastral Mapping In the past, cadastral ervised and unsupervised approach. 
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