Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

+Agricultural And Forestry Aerial Survey Institute, 
100-1, Hoping West Road, Section 2, Taipei, Taiwan, 
10721 ROC. 
Tepeenaphio Service, P.0. Box 90496, Taipei, Taiwan, 
+Taiwan Provincial Cadastral Survey, 37-10, Leeming 
Road, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC. 
+Chinese Society of Survey Engineering, 4th F1., 
No.2, Alley 1, Lane 116, Hsinglung Road,Section 3, 
Taipei, Taiwan, 11711, ROC. 
*Chinese Society of Cadastral survey, No. 4, Lane. 
.469, Sungchiang Road, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC 
*Chinese Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sens- 
ing. P.0.Box 93-158, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. 
*Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, published by 
Chinese Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sens- 
ing, Taipei; Republic of China. Issue No. 1, June 
1979 through No. 21, December 1991. 
+Remote Sensing, published by the Remote Sensing 
Technology Development Group, Council of Agricult- 
ure, Taipei, Republic of China. Issue No. 1, Feb- 
ruary 1983 through No. 15, December 1991. 
+Survey Engineering Quarterly, published by Chinese 
Society of Survey Engineering, Taipei, Republic of 
China. 1958-1992. 
*The Cadastral Survey, published by Chinese Society 
of Cadastral Survey, Taipei, Republic of China. 
Issue No. 1, 1982 through No. 11, 1992. 
7.2. Textbook ( in Chinese): 
Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing, 299 pages, 
by Jen-hsing Hsieh, 3rd edition, September 1990. 
1.3 Important Reports (in Chinese): 
*Chiao, Kuo-mo. À Study on the Establishment of Fo- 
restry Resources Data Base of Chitou District Exp- 
erimental Forest, National Taiwan University, 1988. 
+Sun, Chih-hune. Stüdy on the Establishment of Geo- 
graphic Information System: Evaluation and Testing 
of GIS Softwares, 1988. 
+Liao, Yang-cheng. Digitization and Process of Gra- 
phical Data in Geographic Information System, 1988. 
*Chu, ‘Tzu-hao. The Application of Remote Sensing 
and Expert System Techniques on Geographic Inform- 
ation System, 1989. 
*Fu, An-ming. The Establishment of GIS Data Base in 
Taiwan Área, 1989. 
+Ho, Wei-hsin. The Procedures and Data Format for 
Digital Mapping, 1989. 
*Liu, Jin-King. Mining Environment Information Sys- 
tem, 1989. 
*Liao, Ta-neu and Vu, Mu-lin. Applications of a Ge- 
neric Geographic Information System for Mountain 
Agricultural Resource Management, 1989. 
*Wang, Shin. Environmental Ássessment of the Second 
N-S Freeway from Taoyuan To Miaoli County, 1989. 
*Chen, Che-chun. Study on the Possibility of Rice 
Paddy Estimation From SPOT Imagery-Sample Site: 
Chung-Li, 1990. 
*Lu, Chin-ming. Remote Sensing Technique and the 
Litoral Drift Sand of Taichung Harbor, 1990. 
+Tseng, Ching-liang.A Digital Data Base Application 
System for Taipei Mass Rapid Transit System, 1990. 
*Liu, Tso-teng. Long Range Planning of Remote Sens- 
ing in Oceanography and Meteorology, 1990. 
+Chiao, Kuo-mo. À study on Application of Airborne 
MSS Data on Forest Stand Volume Estimation, 1991. 
+Cheng, Chi-chien. A Study on He Multi-level Sampl- 
ing for Forest Inventory, 1991. 
+Chen, Yung-Kuan. Digital Forest-land Information 
System-A Case Study, 1991. ; 
*Liao, Yang-cheng, Potential Analysis for Object- 
i Paradigm in Geographic Information System 
*Lo, Ching-chang. DEM Generation from SPOT Stereo 
Imagery, 1991. 
*Tseng, Ching-liang.Qualily Control for the Digital 
Graphic Data in GIS Database, 1991. 
+Wang, Shue-chia, Using Moment Invariants for Initial 
Matching, 1991. 
«Vu, Mu-lin, A 3-D GIS Which Can Be Implemented Ri- 
ght Away, 1991 
+u, Ming-ji. Digital Topographie Map Production by 
Photogrammetric Method, 1991. 
+Wu, Hsin-cheng. The Application of Map Information 
System, 1991 
*Vu, Chi-nan. Change Analysis of Vaisandingzou,1991. 
+Yang, An-Kang. The Development of Modern Photogra- 
mmetric Workstation, 1991. 
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