Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Table 2 List of ACRS's 
City,Country Date 
1st Bangkok, Thailand 1980 
2nd Beijing,China 1981 
3rd Dhaka,Bangladesh 1982 
4th Colombo,Sri Lanka 1983 
5th Kathmandu, Nepal 1984 
6th Hyderbad, India 1985 
7th Seoul,Korea 1986 
8th Jakarta, Indonesia 1987 
9th Bangkok, Thailand 1988 
10th Kualalumpur ‚Malaysia 1989 
11th Guangzhou, China 1990 
12th Singapore 1991 
13th Ulanbaatar,Mongolia 1992 
14th Tehran, Iran 1993 
4. Publication 
In October, 1991 AARS has published a book as 
titled "Applications of Remote Sensing in Asia and 
Oceania -Environmental Change Monitoring-" 
Edited by Shunji Murai 
Printed by Geocarto International Center, 
Hong Kong 
Page: 372 pages including 145 color pages 
Number of Applications: 50 
Price: 30 US dollars per copy 
Chapter 1: 
Chapter 2: 
Chapter 3: 
Chapter 4: 
Chapter 5: 
Chapter 6: 
Chapter 7: 
Chapter 8: Land Use 
Chapter 9: Disaster Monitoring 
Chapter 10:Mangrove 
Chapter 11:Coastal Changes 
Chapter 12:Ocean Resources 
Chapter 13:Snow and Ice 
Chapter 14:Geology 
Global Monitoring 
Agricultural Development 
Vegetation Cover 
Natural Resources 
Mapping from Space 
Order to; (1) Shunji Murai (same address of the 
cover page) 
Fax No. +81-3-3479 2762 
(2) Suvit Vibulsresth 
National Research Council 
196 Phahonyothin Road 
Bangkok 9, Thailand 
Fax No. +66-2-561 3035 
.11/5-7 12 159 42 
.10/29-11/4 16 167 95 
.12/4-7 T 169 60 
.11/10-15 20 187 83 
.11/15-18 15 171 49 
.11/21-26 12 342 109 
.10/23-28 17 136 62 
.11/23-29 21 226 125 
.11/23-29 30 478 113 
.11/23-29 30 441 87 
.11/15-21 22 513 162 
.10/30-11/5 28 225 94 
(3) K.N.Au 
Geocarto International Centre 
G.PO.Box 4122 
Hong Kong 
Fax No. +852-5-593 419 
Another book as titled "Remote Sensing Notes" 
will be published within 1992 as a text book for 
education and training. 
AARS is expected to play the following roles for 
Asian remote sensing scientists. 
a. AARS should offer an opportunity to promote 
exchange of academic and technical information, 
presentation of technical papers, publication of 
proceedings or books, personnel exchange and 
regional cooperation, through Asian Conference on 
Remote Sensing. 
b. AARS should support and assist the developing 
countries in Asian region in education, training and 
technical transfer in cooperation with other 
international organizations such as UN/ESCAP, 
c. AARS should contribute to global change 
monitoring by establishing the Asian regional data 
base with ground base observation data or statistics 
for calibration, validation and verification. 
d. AARS should play supplementary role in Asia to 
ISPRS because Asian remote sensing scientists will 
have more chance to attend the ACRS rather than 
ISPRS's activities most of which are organized in 
north America or Europe. 

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