Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
Washington 1992 
O.Brande-Lavridsen, Editor 
As many different organizations are working on establishment of Information Systems, the demand for digital maps has been 
important during the last congress period. This has resulted in a total coverage of the country with digital maps, and it has been 
a heavy task for the private photogrammetric sector who made the maps. 
The governmental mapping institutions have been through a strong structural change, and are fighting with reductions. In the period 
traditional topographic mapping has been finished, and photogrammetry has also been used in renovation of cadastral maps. 
Remote sensing is not intensively used for mapping purposes in a small place like Denmark, but some activities are going on. 
The Danish member report will have chapters from the various actors in photogrammetry and remote sensing. 
In January 1989 Geodætisk Institut (the Geodetic Institute of 
Denmark), Matrikeldirektoratet (the Danish Cadastral Depart- 
ment) and Sgkortarkivet (the Nautical Chart Administration) 
were merged into one institution under the name of Kort- og 
Matrikel Styrelsen, KMS (the National Survey and Cadastre, 
Denmark). From the beginning of April 1991 a process of 
bringing together the new institution in one address in 
Copenhagen was started. At the moment the number of addres- 
ses in Copenhagen has been reduced from 8 to 2. 
It is the policy of the Danish government to reduce production 
within the public framework and to force the work to be done 
as much as possible by using private companies. In order to 
facilitate this a new law defines KMS to be responsible for the 
coordination of the public map production and the authorization 
of map standards. 
This forces KMS to prepare standards which enable the private 
companies to produce or to bring up-to-date any of the national 
map series. A consequence of the privatization is a reduction 
of employees by 20 per cent which is taking place at the 
At the same time a shift is in progress from manual/analogue 
to automatic/digital production. When successfully implemen- 
ted, it is expected to reduce manual work considerably. 
The production of photogrammetric manuscripts, which began 
in 1966 and was estimated to end in 1990, was cancelled in 
1990 leaving about 10 per cent of maps in scale 1:25 000 and 
1:50 000 still to be based on table measurements produced in 
the period 1920 to 1935. The cancellation was caused by a new 
digital photogrammetric production initiated by utility owners 
in Jutland (see TO-project under The Private Photogrammetric 
Companies). KMS was participating in the project at the 
beginning but failed to obtain a satisfying agreement with the 
utility owners. In the rest of the country KMS obtained satis- 
factory agreements. This means that all rural areas have been 
digitally mapped during the last 4 years and that all urban areas 
also have been or will be mapped within the nearest future. 
The scale of photography used for these digital mapping pro- 
jects ranges from 1:18 000 to 1:30 000, and the number of 
features from 18 to 56. One important aspect of this mapping 

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