Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Computers comprise UNIX workstations, MicroV AXes, Prime, 
and IBM and MacIntosh PCs. Standard GIS, image processing, 
and database software are running on the computers together 
with in-house developed software for calibration, adjustment, 
and analysis. 
Keld Dueholm 
Laboratory for Photogrammetry and Surveying 
As part of the 5-year education of the chartered Danish land 
surveyor, standard courses in photogrammetry and mapping are 
given to about 45 survey student each year, including practicals 
like control point determination, stereoscopy, photomap produc- 
tion, and analogue and digital restitution. 
After the common first 3 years, the students can specialize. 
Courses in remote sensing, digital mapping, image processing, 
terrestrial photogrammetry, raster photogrammetry, GIS and 
other are given. 
As all teaching is organized in projects, photogrammetry is 
highly integrated with neighbouring subjects like surveying, 
deformation measurements, cartography, remote sensing, digital 
image processing, GIS and similar. About half of the students 
specialize (MSc) in these areas. 
The teaching staff consists of 11 academic persons, 3 of these 
specialized in photogrammetry. 
As all mapping projects are carried out in a digital way, the 
students have access to total stations and various workstat- 
jons,equipped with AutoCad, Microstation, GeoCAD, MapInfo 
and other software systems. À smaller PC-based image proces- 
sing system is also available. For photogrammetry we still have 
analogue instruments for the first exercises: rectifier, ortho- 
projector and B8, G6 plotters. A stereocomparator is not in use 
any more, replaced by a Zeiss Planicomp. After this congress 
we plan to procure two smaller analytical instruments to 
supplement/replace the B8s. 
During the congress period we procured an Intergraph Tigris 
system. We hope to be able to extend this system to a full 
digital stereo workstation. 
Digital orthophotos and object-oriented height models in GIS 
Experiments with generation of digital orthophotos on the 
background of an object-oriented height model is performed on 
the Tigris system. 
The combination of digital orthophotos and an object-oriented 
and topologically structured maps and height models forms a 
powerful GIS tool. 
Experiences, also some negative, are obtained, using the Inter- 
graph Tigris software, combining raster and vector data. 
The GeoCAD software system 
Many student projects are performed using the GeoCAD 
software system, developed at the laboratory in cooperation 
with private land surveyors. 
The system uses data collected from total stations as well as 
photogrammetric instruments. It has from the beginning been 
an object-oriented system. 
During the last congress period the mapping system has been 
developed into a GIS system, being able to create areas 
coupled to registers. 
The software is UNIX based, and is implemented on a large 
number of different hardware systems. It is also available 
commercially, sold to municipalities and utility companies. 
Computer-assisted learning for GIS 
The increasing use of computers in the information society 
gives new training and educational problems. The computer 
can, however, be used as a means of coping with these new 
A program package for Land Information Systems called LIS- 
demo is developed, having sections for cadastral map 
construction and updating, choroplet map, orthophoto produc- 
tion, databases, concepts and queries. Extension for Digital 
Height Models and Exchange of GIS data is planned. 
Digital image processing 
The main area of interest within the field of image processing 
is the development of a change detection model. An existing 
map is updated by a process of low-level control routines in 
order to verify the presence of existing features. The processed 
results are then used as basis for acquiring high-level 
knowledge for detection of new elements. The result of the last 
process is then used as reference in a precise stereo registra- 
tion, analytical or digital. 
The precise extraction of map-relevant elements requires high- 
level knowledge and intelligent behaviour. This is usually 
acquired by experience and training which requires great 
computer capacity. The project is concentrated on advancing 
this process in order to improve the completeness of the map. 
Institute of Geography 
The Institute of Geography has for several years been working 
on remote sensing, digital image processing and GIS in relation 
to case studies of physical environment. 
The remote sensing/image processing/GIS-group encompasses 
11 scientist. 
Remote sensing and image processing 
1 Methodologies for application of NOAA AVHRR data for 
monitoring of agro climatological parameters, vegetation, 
crops and bush fires. 

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