80 CO = z 7
70 x X Ld X
o€O0e90 o
60 x x
z a D oO n X
at no transportable target 1:60000
= so M i
z a ne ai 5 ¥ o transportable target microdens. 1:60000
o * * trans. target rp. limit 1:60000
E x tangential (trans.) 1:3000
3 40 CH—0—ID-—0—34— —0-— x radial (trans.) 1:3000
2 - tangential (trans.) microdens. 1:3000
= x o a o = radial (trans.) microdens. 1:3000
< 30
brio jim min ww wiih iw mi 0 070 a wih ete i vier te bw ee See = eh www oe
r a -ü 090
20 Cr UE Ur
9 20 40 60 80 100 120
Figure 7. The spatial resolution of transportable targets using the visual and mathematical method (exposure: aperture=4, time=
3.2 Comparisons between permanent and transportable 16 l/mm for permanent targets and 20 l/mm for transportable
targets targets is used when the table indicates resolution values «25
l/mm. In case of high altitude photographs, scale 1:60 000,
Tables 3, 4 and 5 show the differences between the spatial resolution 35 l/mm is used for permanent targets when table
resolution of permanent and transportable targets. Visual indicates resolution values «40 l/mm. For transportable targets
interpretation was used. Images 72 and 78 have moved in the resolution 20 l/mm is used when the table indicates resolution
flight direction during exposure resulting in poor tangential values which are «28 l/mm.
resolution. In the AWAR-calculations a tangential resolution of
Target type aperture=4, time=1/410s aperture=5.6, time=1/410s
image number | 50 51 52 62 63 64 70 71 12 76 77 78
Permanent tangential 56 71 24 45 39 71 79 88 «25. 1162 79 <25
radial 71 71 56 62 56 62 88 88 71 50 88 62
Transportable | tangential 56 79 79 50 35 7] 100 100: «25 1.71 100 «25
radial 7] 71 62 71 62 71 100 100 100 | 56 100 | 71
Table 3. Spatial resolution (I/mm) of permanent and transportable targets. Image scale 1:3 000.
Target type aperture=4, time=1/410s
410s). image number | 6 7 8 9 10 VH 12:1:13:. 1-14: 1005250|:16. 1:12 1:18 / E 19-1]: 20
——— Permanent tangential 48 48 48 48 148 140 ]|«40 [| D 48 | 48 48 48 1) 1) 1)
radial 48 | 48.148 148 | 48 | 48.) 2). 1 <40 148 |48 140. 148 | 40 | <40 1 «40
Transportable | field 34 1.624157 1.57-]1 48 | 28 |28 ]«28^^40 167^ 48 1:5; |) 28 |-<28 | <28
forest 3) 48 140 ] 48 1 80 | 40 | 48 | 34 | 40 | 57 | 40 |40 134 128 | 28
Table 4. Spatial resolution (l/mm) of permanent and transportable targets. Image scale 1:60 000. Exposure values: aperture=4,
time-1/410s. 1) tangential 40 l/mm target does not exist. 2) radial 40 l/mm target does not exist. 3) target outside the image.
Target type aperture=5.6, time=1/410s
image number | 21 22 23 24 28 26 27 28 29 30 31
Permanent tangential 40 48 48 48 48 48 48 80 48 48 48
radial 48 48 80 80 48 1) 48 48 48 48 48
Transportable | field 40 48 57 57 67 67 80 57 80 80 48
forest 57 80 57 57 57 2) 67 57 80 57 40
Table 5. Spatial resolution (I/mm) of permanent and transportable targets. Image scale 1:60 000. Exposure values: aperture=5.6,
time=1/410s. 1) radial 40 l/mm target does not exist. 2) target outside the image.
The results show that transportable targets give slightly higher caused by the materials of the targets, gravel does not give as
spatial resolutions than permanent targets. This is possibly sharp edges as the painted bars in the transportable targets.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B1. Vienna 1996